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Scandal of the Day: Beyonce Too Skanky For Her Fans?

7/26/06, 1:55 pm EST

beyonceA group of Beyonce fans have signed a petition requesting a re-shoot of the video for “Déjà Vu.” Apparently they are scarred for life by the “sexual themes between the duo” (Jay-Z and his woman) which are “alarming and show unacceptable interactions.” Our favorite bit of reporting so far about this? doesn’t just object to the suggestion of a blow job in the clip, but feels the video’s “editing causes one to get dizzy and disorientated.” Now that’s just cold.

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martina prague guide | 4/20/2009, 10:49 am EST

stop talking shit about her finally! idiots!

martina prague guide | 4/20/2009, 10:49 am EST

why are you all so much trying to find something against Beyonce?! its silly…

ladygoon | 10/14/2008, 9:04 am EST

this look like a poparosy shot but its still good

ladygoon | 10/14/2008, 9:04 am EST

this look like a poparosy shot but its still good

love-it | 7/12/2007, 8:38 am EST

Booty call. Yes!

DeeDee | 8/1/2006, 7:15 pm EST


Shaun | 7/26/2006, 4:05 pm EST

“alarming and show unacceptable interactions.”? How do these Beyonce fans think they got here to begin with?

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