Garden Trellis Bookmark

By Brian McGaunn


There are 2 variations for this bookmark. Variation 1 allows the lace eyelets to show up more clearly, and has 3 distinct column like rows created by the decreases. Variation 2 has a softer more subtle, directional decreases, and a slightly less open lace panel. I couldn't decide which variation I liked best, so I decided to use both.



Article 960, America's Best Crochet Cotton, size 5- any color

US2 needles

yarn needle-for weaving in ends.


Stitches and Abbreviations Used:



k2tog, knit 2 stitches together


ssk- slip,slip, knit

psso- pass slipped stitch over

yo- yarn over



Variation 1 repeat:

row 1) sl1, k1, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, k1, yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, k1, yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2 [end with 13 sts]

row 2) sl1, k1, p3, yo, p3, yo, p3, k2 [end with 15sts]


Variation 2 repeat:

row 1) sl1, k1, k2tog, k2, yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, k2, ssk, k2 [end with 13sts]

row 2) sl1, k1, p3, yo, p3, yo, p3, k2 [end with 15sts]

For both Variations:

Cast on 15

row 1) k all

rows 2&3) sl1, k14

row 4) sl1, k1, p11, k2

repeat 2 row pattern (either variation) until piece measure approximately 6.5 inches (or desired length) ending with a row 2/purl row.

Knit 3 rows, slipping the first stitch of each row.

Bind off, weave in ends.