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Vol. 7, No. 10, December 2008 | To The Editor | Subscribe | Back Issues | MeasuresOfSuccess.com | Masthead | Advisory Board | Reprint Information |
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Dec 20
Measuring Community on Social Networking Sites
A detailed how-to guide for measuring MySpace and Facebook.

MySpace and Facebook are used by millions of people to converge and converse around mutual interests. If you happen to be in charge of PR or promotion for something of value to one of those interests, MySpace and Facebook allow you instant access to a potential fan base for your product. Additonally, by listening to the conversations you can get ideas and feedback on how to improve your products or services...

Dec 16
The Measurement Standard's Social Media Compendium
Your guide to The Measurement Standard's coverage of social media, social media measurement and social media ROI.

Over two dozen articles and blog posts, gathered together here for the first time. Including:

  • How To Measure Social Media
  • Social Media ROI
  • Social Media Benchmarks You Can Use
  • Social Media Theory, and
  • YouTube/Politics Measurement Case Studies, and more...

Dec 16
Taking Stock of Your Investor Relations
New methods for measuring the financial analyst community.
When I wrote the chapter on measuring Investor Relations for my book "Measuring Public Relationships," the assumption was that the only metric that really mattered in the investor relations world was stock price. Everyone assumed that if IR was done right, then the stock price would reflect the quality of the effort. Since then, the entire investment world has changed dramatically. Stock price today is influenced as much by what is being communicated in a Senate hearing on Capital Hill as anything communicated in a Financial Analysts briefing in your board room. So, in this new environment, how do you measure the effectiveness of your investor relations program?...

Dec 15
The Republican Party has fallen hard and fast. With the recent elections, they got their second "thumpin'" in two years. That's a certain sign that the brand is in trouble. But, like any organization whose reputation is on the line, it's not just about the brand and the message, it's about the fundamental mission of the organization...

Dec 15
Mark Phillips, USO
Doing public relations measurement the right way.

Over the years we've written a lot about the theoretically "right way" to measure your public relations results. Mark Phillips of the USO has put that theory to the test. In the process he's done some excellent measurement, improved his public relations programs, and (I note with great modesty) provided more validation that we know what we've been writing about. For that hat trick, Mark earns this month's Measurement Maven Award...

Dec 15
Avoid Falling on Your "But"
How to begin your sentences in a winning way.

This week I received an email from a good friend asking me to explain the grammar surrounding the word "but." On the surface, his question was easy-peasy: Is it okay to start a sentence with "but"?...

Nov 24
The Maven of the Month:
Sharron Silva
Director of Market Research, The American Red Cross

It's not often I'm called into a meeting to review an organization's measurement program and find nothing to add. But last month, that's just what occurred when I paid a visit to Sharron Silva and the comms team at the American Red Cross in Washington...

The Menaces of the Month:
The "No We Can't" Crowd
The Measurement Menace Award this month goes out to all those folks that are hiding behind the "social-media-and-PR-are-unmeasureable" banner. In every speech, every conversation, and every discussion group, there's always someone who says that, "You can't measure this stuff!" because he or she doesn't have the budget, the brains or the energy to work out some measurable goals and find a researcher to determine how he/she can measure those goals...

Nov 21
PR Stars of the Future
Six defining characteristics of the successful public relations professional of the next decade.

Ten years from now, many people currently occupying the office of Public Affairs, Public Relations, and/or Media Relations will find the new world order just too weird, too strange and too out of control. For those people -- who grew up thinking they could control the message, manage the media, and spin their way out of a crisis -- this new environment will ultimately be overwhelming. For others, adapting will be a rough but ultimately healthy transition. At any rate, the public relations environment of a decade from now will require talents and personality traits somewhat different from today. Here are six characteristics of the PR Stars of the Future...

Nov 17
An Open Letter to President-Elect Barack Obama
Use social media, not polls.

Dear President-Elect Obama,
There's a lot of talk these days about what you should do with all those millions of contact names you've captured in the last two years -- those volunteers, donors and voters that helped earn you your place in history.
As a researcher, I have a novel thought: Listen to them. Hear their ideas and use them to help solve the nation's problems. You used social media to excellent effect in your campaign, so why not use social media to connect people to solve society's problems?

Nov 17
The Big Three American Car Companies
The short answer: Not likely.

With or without a bailout, the so-called Big Three car manufacturers (Ford, Chrysler, GM) are now the old, tired, jalopies of the industry. Even if somehow they can survive the current downturn, the Detroit dinosaurs and their products will long be seen as bloated and inefficient...

Nov 14
Measurement During Tough Economic Times
What is ahead for public relations measurement? The best and brightest minds in measurement (including yours!) predict the future of your job, your business, and your profession.
Featuring the views of Nicholas Grant, Angela Jeffrey, Gary Getto, Fraser Likely, Jim Macnamara, Katie Delahaye Paine and Mark Weiner. Times are tough. As of this morning, the U.S. jobless rate has hit a 14-year high, and General Motors says it will go bankrupt without another tankful of cash from the government. The news is jammed with predictions of even worse economic turmoil and years of tight money ahead. What does this mean for public relations measurement?

Nov 8
Captain Measurement
to the Rescue!

It's time to put on your cape and be a superhero.

Let's face it. In this economic climate there's no room for wasted expenditures. Companies are much less likely to want to move ahead out of fear that they won't be successful and they'll have wasted their limited funds. However, out of this trepidation comes the opportunity for research professionals to help organizations make smart decisions up-front. Research conducted as part of program or product design can immunize employers and clients from the difficulties of the economy and increase the likelihood of their success. In other words, effective research conducted as part of the planning process reduces the margin of error. And that's most definitely superhero material...

Oct 28
Does Your University Make the Grade in Social Media?
Benchmarks you can use from KDPaine & Partners' study of social media usage at five academic institutions.

To better understand its social media presence and options, Georgia Tech asked KDPaine & Partners to undertake a major study of social media use at academic institutions. Presented here are the major results of that study, as well as benchmarks for blogs, YouTube, Facebook and social bookmarking sites that institutions of higher education can use to compare with their own use...

© 2008 KDPaine & Partners LLC,
all rights reserved.

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Measuring Public Relationships
The Indispensable How-To Guide, Just $29.95
This 228-page paperback is the must-have practical guide to hands-on PR measurement. Emphasizing the role and evaluation of relationships, measurement guru Katie Delahaye Paine provides every public relations professional with step-by-step research procedures for measuring programs, improving results, and managing relationships. Listen to a podcast review by Shel Holtz. To place your order, call Sheila at the KDPaine & Partners office: 603.319.1047. More information here.

Great Minds on Measurement
"Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem."
Henry Kissinger


KDPaine's Speaking Schedule
(see this page for details and the most up-to-date list):

2/13: PRSA Seminar: "ROI, KPI, ROMI," New York, NY.

From Our Blog Edition:

Nov 28: How Often Does Good Measurement Get Ignored?

Nov 20: Massive Research Project Proves Social Media ROI for Teenagers?!

Nov 18: Fascinating Correlation Research on SAT Scores vs. GPA in Predicting College Performance

Nov 10: The Presidential Candidates on YouTube: Your Interactive Dashboard

Nov 4: If Liberal and Conservative Brains Work Differently, What Does That Mean for PR Measurement?

Search the Blogs:
It's easy to use Technorati to search for recent blog posts on topics that interest you. We've done it with the links below (but you can enter any search string you like when you are there):
PR Measurement
-- Public Relations Measurement
-- Social Media Measurement

You know you need to measure your results
, but chances are there's never been enough money in your budget for evaluation. Until now.
KDPaine & Partners' new Do-It-Yourself Dashboard system combines a Web-based application with professional consulting to enable PR professionals to customize their own PR dashboards. Look here for more information.