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Looking for Group Interface

The Looking for Group interface contains several dropdown menus that let you search for a number of groups at the same time. Each dropdown menu contains category options that indicate the type of group you're looking for, and each category option provides a different list of secondary options.
  • Selecting Dungeon

    in the first dropdown menu will offer a list of level-appropriate dungeons in the second dropdown menu.
  • Selecting Raid

    in the first dropdown menu will offer a list of level-appropriate raids in the second drop-down menu.
  • Selecting Quest (Elite)

    in the first dropdown menu will offer a list of Elite quests that are active in your quest log in the second dropdown menu.
  • Selecting Zone

    in the first dropdown menu will offer a list of level-appropriate zones in the second dropdown menu.
So, using the interface, you can for example be added to a player listing for a quest, zone and a dungeon with the option to Auto Join the first available group for your selected dungeon. The Auto Join option can be toggled off, should you wish to manually search for and accept invitations for your dungeon selections.

New Interface Preview: Looking For Group

art of being in a stalwart band of adventurers is assembling that stalwart band in the first place. In the upcoming expansion, a new tool for finding a hearty group of cohorts will be available: our new Looking For Group interface! Here's an overview of this new interface, including details on a few of the new ways to locate companions to share your adventures with!

The Basics

We've added a new icon on your action bar, next to your Social button. This will open a window that prompts you to indicate whether you want to start a group or join one that's already in the process of being assembled. Depending on your selection, either the "Looking for Group" or the "Looking for More" interface appears next. Both interfaces have tabs at the bottom that let you easily switch between the two. The Looking for Group interface allows individual players to be added to a player listing with other eligible players in the Looking for More interface. These players can also choose to be added to a dungeon queue that will match them with other solo players or groups by enabling Auto Join. The Looking for More option allows a solo player or group to search out additional members to complete a group. You can also choose to have other players added to your newly created or existing group for a dungeon by enabling Auto Add members.

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