
Welcome to the Xeno Files site hosted by Superfigs sidekick Xeno Boy. That's right, that is my ugly mug in the lower lefthand corner. The theme of this site is inspired by the Call of Cthuhlu RPG and Hell Boy comic strips. Here, one will be able to find characters and scenarios for the SuperFigs miniatures battle system with a supernatural feel. This I refer to as Cthuhlufigs.

Mind you, playing Cthuhlufigs is not like playing Call of Cthuhlu. Often a players' best course of action in Call of Cthuhlu is to run, drive, or fly away as fast as possible. In Cthuhlufigs, the players are encouraged to 'put it to the outer gods!'

Origin: Xeno Boy awoke to find himself without memory, extremely hot and in the middle of a crater. After scaring off a farmer and his wife, he proceeded to attempt find out where and who he was. Later it was determined he had fallen from orbit and landed in Kansas. No evidence of a spacecraft was ever found.