All material herein
Copyright © 1998 Tania Ruiz

This is a photo documentary of my mate, Teddy, and his travels through time and space. It all began with a complaint from my mother about the photos I take when I travel. She rightly pointed out to me that my photos looked too much like postcards, since I mostly travel alone and hate having my picture taken.

I always bring Teddy with me when I travel, as he is a talisman among other things. "Ah-ha!" I thought, "I will sit him somewhere in my photo scenes, and then my shots will look more personalized!" Now that I have collected a number of these, more and more people suggested that I should share them with the world on my home page. And thus was born Teddy's Adventures through Time and Space.

You will witness Teddy in the following times and places:

Jurassic, Neolithic and Bronze Age Britain, Roman Britain, Pre-Columbian America, Medieval and Modern Age Britain, and the American Southwest, with a special visit to Las Vegas. Teddy recently went to the Pennsic war fighting for Atlantia against the MidRealm. There is also a section dedicated to Teddy's new friends, including those from the SF genre.

The Jurassic Age

Teddy meets his favorite dinosaur, Stegosaurus.
The Neolithic Age

Teddy at Stonehenge

Teddy at Rollrights

Teddy at Avebury

Teddy at Kit's Coty

Teddy at Little Kit's Coty

Teddy at Coldrums Chambered Tomb
The Bronze Age

Teddy at Flag Fen
Pre-Columbian Age

Teddy takes a break after some strenous rock carving in Pueblo country (home of the ancient race the Navaho call Anasazi).

Teddy greets the Summer Solstice at America's Stonehenge.

Montezuma's Castle, a Sinagua cliff dwelling. Apparently, the park rangers used to let people up in there. Not us, thank you.

Awesome! Teddy got a chance to sit at the edge of a Sinagua kiva, or round room, which was used for meetings and lots of smoking, apparently. The rest of the ruins are from homes built around living rock. Colonial park rangers once lived in one part on the other side.
Roman Britain

Teddy at Bath

Teddy with Emperor Trajan

Teddy in his Roman attire.
Medieval Britain

Teddy at Merton Hall, Cambridge University.

Teddy at St. John's College, Cambridge University.
Modern Britain

Teddy at Buckingham Palace.

Teddy at Scotland Yard
In answer to your queries: Yes, Teddy did indeed pose in the sign, with the help of the policeman who is standing at the post.
American Southwest

In lovely New Age Mecca, Sedona, where he will later meet up with the jackelope we smuggled home on the plane.

Teddy a bit nervous at the Grand Canyon. It was a bit windy, so we were somewhat concerned he might go skydiving.

Checking out the Sunset Crater volcano. We were careful not to fall down, since the ground was made up entirely of porous rock.

Hanging out on the edge of the Meteor Crater. It was difficult to comprehend the scale of this thing.
Las Vegas, baybeeee

A moment petting the dogs at the Luxor.

Sigfried, Roy, Sasha, and Teddy starring at the Mirage.
Pennsic War

Geared up and ready to fight for Atlantia.

With his fellow warriors.

Teddy was too small to make much of a difference, so he sat back and enjoyed the carnage.
New Friends

Bob, here, was waiting on a cheeseburger and fries at the awesome Red Planet Diner in Sedona. He and Teddy had a good conversation going about Erich von Daniken, but then the fries were up, and this guy beamed out.

We call this little guy Pepe. and we met him in Sedona trying to sell us "see-garz".

Uncle Jesse here was having a bit of trouble with his right foot, so he thought he'd gripe about it to the ever compassionate Teddy. It took some prying to get Teddy back and moving on.

Chief Yellow Horse, a legend, has this establishment just outside of the Grand Canyon. Inside, there are sleeping men and some kind of critters running around trying to keep cool. Chief Yellow Horse boasted, "Friendly Native Americans", and so we stopped and bought a nice clay bowl.
Science Fiction Friends

Teddy meets a Dalek, a mortal enemy of the Doctor.

Teddy is instructed in the ways of the Force by Yoda, Jedi Master.

But then has a laugh with his buddy The Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader.

Teddy hangs with a very unhappy Han Solo.

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