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2007-02-21Overtaking Google Desktop12133DWatchfire
2007-01-29Stack Overflow IRC Lecture16308DAelphaeis Mangarae
2007-01-26[ezine] .aware eZine Alpha - Overground Hacking10388D.aware
2007-01-25MoAB Comic 17616DMoAB
2007-01-18[ezine] ZFO 218232DZFO
2007-01-10Anatomy of a Malware9958DNicolas Falliere
2007-01-03Cracking PlasmaVis (Making a Keygen in C)19070DSlimTim10
2007-01-01WebMin (XSS BUG) Remote Arbitary File Disclosure11340DUmZ
2006-12-31Cookie Stealing Upgrade: Ajax Style15583Dunlimitedorb
2006-12-30Introduction to GCC Inline Asm5992Dbatched
2006-12-30ARM GCC Inline Assembler Paper10087Dbatched
2006-12-30Shellcoding for Linux and Windows Tutorial10251DSteve Hanna
2006-12-29Beginning cracking of (x86) Window's software and software protection14368Dn/a
2006-12-18Simple Metasploit in Action!16353DCyberheb
2006-12-17Writeup about source code auditing: How to to break code by reading it9723Dkcope
2006-12-11Defeating Microsoft Windows XP SP2 Heap protection and DEP bypass10009DAlexander Anisimov
2006-12-11Bypassing Windows heap protections6689DNicolas Falliere
2006-12-03Writing Self-Modifying Code and Utilizing Advanced Assembly Techniques9411Dxort
2006-12-01Blackberry Security: Ripe for the picking?10571DJames O'Connor
2006-11-27Dangling Cursor Snarfing: A New Class of Attack in Oracle6834DDavid Litchfield
2006-11-24[ezine] ZFO23760DZFO
2006-11-22On the Effectiveness of AddressSpace Randomization5764DStanford University
2006-11-22Cracking String Encryption in Java Obfuscated Bytecode7562DSubere
2006-11-16Implementing and Detecting a PCI Rootkit7856DJohn Heasman
2006-11-14John The Ripper - An Illustrated Guide15536DEthernet
2006-11-12Vulnerability Enumeration For Penetration Testing14153DAelphaeis Mangarae
2006-11-10Basic differences between x86 Assembly and X86-64 Assembly13608Dhophet
2006-11-09IE ActiveX-based 0-days basics Demystified8249DMichal Bucko
2006-11-07Attacking the Code: Source Code Auditing9153Dbannedit

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