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`Star Gazer' host Jack Horkheimer dies


Jack Horkheimer, Public Television's ``Star Gazer,'' died Friday afternoon of a respiratory ailment, according to a spokesman for the Miami Museum of Science and Space Transit Planetarium.

Born June 11, 1938, he was 72.

In an e-mail to staff, museum officials said they were ``very saddened to have just learned that our resident Star Gazer, Jack Horkheimer, passed away today after being ill for quite some time.

``Jack was executive director of [the] Planetarium for over 35 years and was an internationally recognized pioneer in popularizing naked-eye astronomy. He was also a recognized media celebrity, often being the foremost commentator on all astronomy related happenings nationwide.

Horkheimer was best known as the creator, writer and host of public television's ``Star Gazer,'' the 30-year weekly TV series on naked eye astronomy. Seen on PBS stations nationwide, ``Star Gazer'' reached millions of people, helping create a love of the stars for several generations of enthusiasts.''

Arrangements are pending.

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