October 21 - October 27, 1996

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[GO TO AOL'S HOME PAGE] Olean (r). Instead of fat. Click here.

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Clinton is resting and Dole is campaigning. Where does that leave Richard Stands and the N.E.T. Party? Check out their version of American politics.

Don George asked for your thoughts on the meaning of life and the responses are printed here, in this week's
Digital Diary

The Trip Doc seeks justice when your travel plans have gone awry -- and it's not your fault. Find out how he can help you this week!

Where no man, woman, or child have ever gone before: The Internet radio show. Spanq! e-jays Trip Anchor and Uncle Dutch unabashedly present the Web's most interesting offerings.

You found your job on the Net. You found your apartment on the Net. You even picked out Uncle Eddie's birthday present via the Web. So why not a dinner date? Check out Match.Com.


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