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Editor's Choice
September 24, 2002
TV Acres
"TV screenshotAcres is the place to be / For all your questions about TV" -- so goes this site's theme song. Boasting an index that stretches from aardvarks to worms, the site presents a calvacade of TV trivia. Sure, you'll find information about the obvious islands such as Fantasy and Gilligan's, but you'll also find facts about Hope Island, home to a little-known PAX TV soap opera, and Paradise Island, Wonder Woman's female-only home. You might identify with some of the TV fans such as Trekkies, MSTies, X-Philes, and even Arsenio Hall's Dogpound. The depth and detail of this site are especially impressive in the beginning and ending narrations section, which lists the opening words for everything from The Fall Guy ("one of America's great unsung heroes") to Tom Hanks' pre-Oscar days of Bosom Buddies. Don't miss the dates area -- discover when Joanie and Chachi tied the knot on Happy Days or the birthdays of your favorite TV characters. You'll never look at the boob tube the same way again. (in Television)
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September 23, 2002
570 Bars
Heading screenshotout on a quest to drink at every "spirits serving establishment" in the city of Seattle, Jason and Brandon will partake in adult beverages at 570 different bars. Thankfully, they've decided to document their quest, and fans of good times, stiff drinks, and goofy stories will enjoy the results. Since they're about halfway through, it seems like a great time to belly up to the bar and enjoy the ride. For an education on their journey, start with the FAQ, then make your way to the meat of the site -- the frequently updated web log. The running journal provides a pragmatic perspective of the more than 250 bars visited thus far. For a hazy look at how this boozing bonanza started, travel back to March 2002 and bar #1. If you're planning a trip to the Emerald City, be sure to check out the ratings of the best and worst establishments in town. Bottoms up! (in Food & Drink)
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September 22, 2002
Wonder Bound
In screenshotcenturies past, before the dawn of giant museums and research institutes, individuals studied and wrote about the natural world around them. Wealthy Europeans collected objects and specimens as they traveled the world, and they cataloged their findings in books. Today, the Smithsonian Institution studies these natural history books to compare historical descriptions with modern specimens. This site features images from the historic books and explains why they're still important. You can compare the Smithsonian to museums from the 1700s or view a naturalist's handbook from 1818. Some entrepeneurs even considered collecting specimens as a means to make money. Unfortunately, bug infestations destroyed many early collections, so books and sites such as this are all we have left of the pioneering days of natural history. (in Museums and Exhibits)
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September 21, 2002
The Schøyen Collection
Picture, screenshotfor a moment, every notable piece of written history known to man -- say, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hammurabi's Code, Sumerian pictographs, Indus Valley scripts, early Buddhist writings, and the first star charts, to name a few. Now imagine 5,000 years worth of epic sagas and colorful artifacts collected in a single repository. Would that capture your imagination? That's exactly what you'll find in the Schoyen Collection -- a private treasure trove of mankind's recorded history. Located in Oslo, Norway, and London, England, this incredible collection includes over 12,500 carefully indexed and referenced items, making it a breeze to research. The amount of eye candy alone is staggering. The checklist of manuscripts is a taxonomic godsend, and the entire collection is cataloged in a variety of intuitive ways. Even in this age of technology, man's love for paper is an illuminating experience. (in Literature)
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September 20, 2002
Molested Cars
This screenshotsite proudly announces its sole purpose -- to expose "one of the auto-world's most perpetrated crimes: the molested automobile!" What is a molested car? It's an automobile that's been altered or modified in a way that degrades the car. A couple of the category names are politically incorrect, but there's no arguing the absurdity of these dangerous toys. Tail fins abound on trucks, vans, and Jeeps, and some of these vehicles apparently hit such high speeds they need two fins to keep them glued to the road. Among the rolling billboards, questionable paint jobs, and tired beaters, you'll find a cache of vehicles that defy description. After steering your way through these ridiculous and unsightly autos, you'll be exhausted -- maybe doubly so. (in Entertainment > Humor)
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September 19, 2002
Mean Kitty
No screenshotsweet puss antics here -- this site reveals the true face of felinity, and it's not a pretty sight. The gallery of mean kitties tells the stories behind the grouchy cats. What makes Felix so bad-tempered? Perhaps it's his weird habit of ingesting Advantage flea-control products. Other cats have their own idiosyncrasies. Bittle prefers Kentucky Fried Chicken, Harrison chews up newspapers, Dinky attacks parakeets, and then there's Sylvester -- a cat who will bite anything. LucyFurr may look awfully sweet, but she loves nothing more than beating the crap out of every cat in the neighborhood. If a mean kitty is terrorizing your house, maybe the site's advice section can help. Or you can just share the nastiness with Mean Kitty postcards. But don't let your cat catch you surfing this site, for hell hath no fury like a kitty scorned. (in Entertainment > Humor)
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September 18, 2002
Trash, screenshotgarbage, refuse -- no matter what you call it, the stuff stinks. We come in contact with junk every day, though most of us do our level best to avoid it. Instead of avoiding the issue, enterprising photographer Nico van Hoorn has made it his civic duty to find a piece of trash every day and snap a photo of the discarded remains. The result is a fascinating dig through the seemingly endless garbage can of daily living. Many of the found objects are mundane, but through the process of photography and cataloging, van Hoorn transforms them into small works of art. Part of the fun is identifying an item's original use -- some are maddeningly obscure, while others are painfully obvious. Roll up your sleeves and rummage through this blog twist on trash -- you never know what you'll find. (in Web Logs)
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