CPCUG User Support Team Page

This page works best when you are using Netscape 3.0 or newer

If you want to upgrade your Internet applications to the latest versions, try the CPCUG Software Page first.

Try finding the answer to your question in the index. Then, look in the newsgroup cpcug.help (telnet to cpcug.org and read the newsgroup using tin) to see if your question has been answered there. Then take a look in the Support Forum of the new web-based message system -- Ultimate Bulletin Board -- for more help. Only then, if you really can't find what you need in the index here or there in the help newsgroup, go to the email help request form farther down on this page.

Index of Help Files

Lots of links to html text files will go here when we create them. We can even put links to files existing not only elsewhere on our box (like Jack Aubert's Win'95 dial-up-networking tutorial) but also on other servers. Here's some typical examples. I will probably organize this list into a hierarchical structure as it fills up. Here is where I need your help: What would you like to see on this list?

  1. Here's a list of current dialup phone numbers for cpcug.org account holders using IDSOnline dialup.

  2. This is a list of the cpcug.org IP addresses and server names that you might need when setting up your Internet TCP/IP software.

  3. CPCUGs list of answers to frequently asked Internet and UNIX questions (the CPCUG faq list), from the CPCUG gopher server maintained by Bill Feidt (send gopher suggestions to him, not me).

  4. Need help with some UNIX commands? Here's an incredibly powerful manpage search utility that will tell you more about Unix commands than you probably need to know. It provides hypertext links throughout the entire man structure.

  5. How do I get the latest version of Netscape?

  6. Where can I get the initialization string for my modem? (Link to the interactive Ask Mr. Modem web page.)

  7. Where can I get the documentation for Eudora? (It is in Word for Windows format with lots of screen shots.)

  8. Where can I get the latest versions of Windows (and Windows 95 or Windows NT) Internet applications? (Forrest Stroud's CWApps list)

  9. I want to write interactive web pages. How can I get started with cgi scripts and perl? (The CPCUG Scripts page)

  10. Where can I get the correct server addresses for things like the POP and SMTP mail servers, the NNTP news server, the DNS servers, and so forth for the cpcug.org domain?

  11. Need help with a Microsoft product or service? This link will take you to the new Microsoft News server (open to all). [Rumor has it that this news server is to replace the various Microsoft Compuserve forums....]. Netscape handles this link quite nicely.

  12. There is lots more help available from the SuperNet User Guide, including help for setting up TCP/IP on (ugh) Macintoshes.

  13. How can I set up a twit filter to keep unwanted email messages out of my mailbox? For instructions, telnet to cpcug.org and enter "man procmail." Or click the procmail link here to see the procmail man page in this web browser, from which you can print it out easily. Read the whole thing carefully! Good luck.

  14. ...

Email Help Request Form

Fill in the form only after you are sure the answer to your question is not in the help index above. You may save both yourself and the UST lots of time, and you may even learn more by reading the documentation yourself. There are three steps: fill in the optional information, fill in the required information, and then submit the request by clicking the submit button at the bottom of the form.
You must enter your email address, your real name, a subject, and a query. These are required fields. The other items are optional, but will help us service your request more quickly and accurately. When you have completed your request, click the submit button. If you make lots of selection errors, click the clear button and start over.

1. Optional information:

Answering these optional questions will help the UST diagnose your problem more easily. (We have not selected default values for you.)

Connection type?
Dial-up PPP Direct Ethernet

Your operating system?
Windows 3.x Windows 95/98/NT OS/2 Macintosh

Your TCP/IP connection method?
Win95/98/NT DUN Windows 3.X Shiva Dialer Other

Select the dial-in telephone number you are using:

Please enter your modem name and speed:

Is your problem modem-related? Yes No

Which application are you having the main problem with?

2. Required information

These four fields must be filled in or the request will not be sent to the UST. You will get a diagnostic page instead. If you get that page, click your browser's back button to return to this page with the input you entered still on the form.

Please enter your e-mail address:

Please enter your real name:

Please enter a brief subject:

Please enter your query in the space below:
(include any error messages you received)

3. Send the request

A Cc: of your request will appear in your mailbox for your records.
Your request will also be sent to the cpcug.help newsgroup. Don't forget to check there for replies from other CPCUG members.

Page created by Larry McGoldrick
Scripts created by Larry McGoldrick
URL: http://www.cpcug.org/support