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The following is a summary of various subjects treated on linked pages. These original introductions deal mostly with little explored mysteries and the inner life of man. Please click on the various headings for full information.
I am confident that for the attentive and open-minded reader somewhere hidden in these pages lies a key or link that may open up new vistas in his life.
Students may find in them a starting point for a not so run-of-the-mill essay.
These subjects are revised and enlarged continuously, so keep returning to them!

Responses in Dutch, English, German, French, or Spanish are welcome.


PARANORMAL VOICES (click for further info)

An astounding phenomenon is explored, that of the independent direct voice manifesting in space of voices of people who say they once lived on earth. They tell how they experienced their deaths and what happened afterwards.
Paranormal voices are not restricted to the seance-room and do not always require a medium. They may be registered on tape by everyone (EVP).

DEATH NO END (click for further info)

For years a British couple has recorded paranormal voices with British medium Leslie Flint. These so-called direct voices were not spoken by the medium but manifested in space near him. The communicators tell what happened after they died and of their life now. Audio-samples of the voices of Ellen Terry, Oscar Wilde, Chopin and Mahatma Gandhiand persons who describe their passing over are provided for those who dispose of a sound-card and the latest browser version (i.e. Netscape 3.0 or Explorer).

NEW AGE in history (click)

New Age philosophy is based on ancient traditions: Gnosticism, Alchemy, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, as well as Eastern philosophy. These were blended into one belief when Mme. Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. Her approach still bore the spirit of the age. Conflicts raged over her person, miracles and message. Yet her basic ideas of karma, reincarnation and the holographic unity of the universe are now widely accepted.
The legacy of all these traditions is sublimated in the New Age philosophy.


Javanese mysticism is based on age-old traditions. Their disciplines are little known in the West. With a single exception Javanese mystical movements have never expanded outside Indonesia. Supplementary a (part) translation from the Javanese is given of WIRID, the ancient book of teachings of the eight sages of Java.

SUBUD (click)

A spiritual movement, coming from Indonesia. Its members are to be found in most countries now. Their spiritual exercise, the latihan, is unique and brings about a purification of man's nature, thereby enabling him to receive inner guidance and communicate deep within. (English/Dutch)


Subjects and links relating to personal survival after death.

On the psychology of spiritual movements (click)

Which common psychological mechanisms are at work in groups of people, in particular those united in spiritual movements? An underrated subject. By denying these processes negative effects will develop, detrimental for the welfare of the movement.

Klik hier voor nederlandse vertaling: Psychologie en geestelijke bewegingen

The presence-phenomenon (click)

When people meet in harmony their minds seem to melt together causing the feeling of a presence. This may take a tangible form: voices and materializations in the seance-room, which still take place.

Society in the 21st century (click)

Conflicts within presentday societies will effect those of the next century. Is the future predictable? A summary of tensions caused by developments within presentday society that will influence the future.

The New Man (click)

Traditions in societies, cultures and religions suggest that deep in man is imprinted an image of the ideal man. That image is subject to cultural change. Yet, one wonders where it came from? What characterizes the image of present-day man? (Under construction)

Cinematographica (click)

Read all about the exciting hobby of collecting vintage movie cameras and projectors, as well as my paper on One Hundred Years of Film Sizes (click)


The Art of Cornelius Rogge (click)
Cornelius Rogge is one of the foremost sculptors of the Netherlands who is represented in the mayor Dutch museums. He received the prestigious David Roëll award for his oeuvre.
Click above for info and photographs of his objects.

Responses are welcome by E-mail, as long as you confine the language used to English, Dutch, French, German, or Spanish.

My URL is: http://www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/index.html

UPP-award for these pages on 16th June 1996

Last update: 14 February 1997.


( photo Vondelpark. Amsterdam, © author)