Unable to find CD-ROM during install

Last Updated: 27th November, 1994


Warp installation program is unable to find CD-ROM drive, system hangs during installation.


Buslogic BT946C SSCI Adapter


Warp-shipped BTSCSI.ADD (10/05/94, 20953 bytes) may not work properly on some(all?) systems.


Use an earlier release of the BTSCSI.ADD driver, either from a previous OS/2 release or from the Micron BBS (208-465-8982). Look for a file date of 04-07-94 (possibly 06-07-94) and a size of 20162 bytes.


The BT946C BIOS Setup can be invoked by pressing Ctl-B at boot time.

This page is part of Frank McKenney's Warp Installation Notes, a major contribution to the Warp Pharmacy project.