[LOGO] Welcome to EISCAT Tromsø!

The EISCAT Scientific Association is an international research organisation operating three geophysical research Incoherent Scatter Radar systems, an Ionospheric Heater and a Dynasonde in Northern Scandinavia.

Two of the radar transmitters are located close to the city of Tromsø in Norway, while the third, the EISCAT Svalbard Radar, is located near Longyearbyen.

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Operations | Monitor | Control | Cookbook | Archive | Rules of the Road | Schedules | Data sources | Institutes | Societies | Study Groups | Local guide | Text Books | Papers | Mail archives | Newspapers
Tromsø Site | Sodankylä | Headquarters | ESR

EISCAT accepts no responsibility for the consequences of the use of any information or data obtained through this service.
Please see also the copyright notice.

This service is maintained by Tony van Eyken
Phone: +47 776 92166; Fax: +47 776 92380; email webmaster@eiscat.uit.no
EISCAT Scientific Association, Ramfjordmoen, N-9020 Tromsdalen, Norway