GNU Testimonials

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This page contains links to testimonials that were supplied by business users of GNU software. People who have worked with GNU software value its flexibility and reliability. Oddly enough, those who have not worked with GNU software often regard it with suspicion. These testimonial pages are an effort to open their eyes; they can be used to convince a timid manager or coworker that GNU software isn't ``too good to be true.''

This page creates a peculiar dilemma for the GNU project. Many of the companies that use GNU software use it develop proprietary software. These include some of the most impressive examples of business use of GNU, so we want to cite them. However, talking about a proprietary software product can easily have the effect of encouraging people to use it, or helping them to obtain it--neither of which would fit with the spirit of GNU.

We've tried to deal with this problem by leaving out some details that we would otherwise be eager to trumpet. In some cases we have avoided identifying a proprietary software product by name; in others we have avoided precisely identifying a company. If an entry looks a little vague, this is probably the reason why.

This is a difficult line to walk, and we might remove some of these testimonials if we eventually find ourselves feeling too unconfortable them.

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Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA

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Updated: 14 Feb 1999 jonas