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How to Suggest Your Site
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The Yahoo! directory is organised by subject. Most sites in it are suggested to us by users. Sites are placed in categories by Yahoo! Surfers, who visit and evaluate your suggestions and decide where they best belong. We do this to ensure that Yahoo! is organised in the best possible way, making the directory easy to use, intuitive, helpful, and fair to everyone.

With this in mind, we ask that you follow three simple, yet important steps if you have a site (URL) you'd like to suggest:

Step 1: Check to See if Your Site is Already in Yahoo!

An important first step, because if your site is already listed in Yahoo!, you need go no further. Check by searching Yahoo! for your site by title, or by browsing appropriate categories.

(Note: If your site is already listed in Yahoo! but you want to change its comments, title, and/or placement, you need to use the change form. This is an entirely different process.)

Step 2: Find the Appropriate Category in Yahoo!

Finding an appropriate category for your site is at the heart of this process. Remember that Yahoo! Surfers visit each site suggested to us, and proper categorization on your part helps us process suggestions quickly.

What is an appropriate category? Click here to read a list of important pointers explaining how we organise our directory.

(Notes: If you are suggesting a chat area, scheduled chat, or live broadcast, including audio or video, please submit directly to Yahoo! Net Events. If your site is in a language other than English, please check our list of Non-English directories to see if there is an appropriate International Yahoo! for your submission. Sites that are in a foreign language represented by our international directories will not be added to Yahoo! UK & Ireland.)

Step 3. Suggest your site from the Appropriate Category

Suggest your site from the category you think most appropriate. Do this by clicking on the "Suggest a Site" link at the bottom of that category page. (It's just to the right of the copyright and the "Company Information" link.) Again, there is a list of important pointers to help you establish where your site belongs. Also remember that the final placement of your site is determined by Yahoo! Surfers. Finally, suggesting a site is free. You pay us nothing.


When you click on "Suggest a Site" in the appropriate category, you'll see an online form asking for information about your site. (In the "category" space on the form, you'll see the name of the category you've chosen.) Please be prepared to provide, among other information, your site's title, URL, and a brief description.

Finally, thanks for the site. Thanks for contributing to Yahoo! By following the above steps (in order, no less!) you're helping us process sites in a timely manner.

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