Command Reference for Liberty BASIC v1.4

Command or Function	Description
---------------------	-----------------------------------------------
ABS( n )		absolute value
ACS( n )		arc-cosine of n
a AND b			performs boolean and bitwise AND
ASC( s$ )		ascii value of s$
ASN( n )		arc-sine of n
ATN( n )		arc-tangent of n
BEEP			ring bell
BMPBUTTON		add a bitmap button to a window
BMPSAVE  		save a bitmap from memory to a file
BUTTON			add a button to a window
CALLDLL			call an API or DLL function
CHECKBOX   		add a checkbox to a window
CHR$( n )		return character of ascii value n
CLOSE #h		close a file or window with handle #h
CLS			clear a program's mainwindow
CommandLine$		contains any command line switches used on startup
COMBOBOX		adds a combobox to a window
CONFIRM			opens a confirm dialog box
COS( n )		cosine of n
CURSOR			changes the mouse cursor
DATE$( )		returns string with today's date
DefaultDir$		a variable containing the default directory
DIM array( )   		dimension array( )
Drive$			special variable, holds drive letters
DUMP			force the LPRINT buffer to print
EOF( #h )		end-of-file status for #h
END			marks end of program execution
EXP( n )		returns e^n logarithm
FIELD #h, list...	sets random access fields for #h
FILEDIALOG		opens a file selection dialog box
FILES			returns file and subdirectory info
FOR...NEXT   		performs looping action
GET #h, n		get random access record n for #h
GETTRIM #h, n		get r/a record n for #h, blanks trimmed
GOSUB label		call subroutine label
GOTO label  		branch to label
GRAPHICBOX		adds a graphics region to a window
GROUPBOX		adds a groupbox to a window
HEXDEC("value")		convert a hexadecimal string to a decimal number
HWND( #handle)		return a Windows handle for a window
IF...THEN		perform conditional action(s)
IF THEN ELSE		perform conditional action(s)
INPUT			get data from keyboard, file or button
INPUT$( #h, n )		get n chars from handle #h
INSTR(a$,b$,n)		search for b$ in a$, with optional start n
INT( n )		integer portion of n
KILL s$			delete file named s$
LEFT$( s$, n )		first n characters of s$
LEN( s$ )		length of s$
LET var = expr		assign value of expr to var
LINE INPUT   		get next line of text from file
LISTBOX			adds a listbox to a window
LOADBMP			load a bitmap into memory
LOF( #h )		return length of open file #h
LOG( n )		natural log of n
LOWER$( s$ )		s$ converted to all lowercase
LPRINT			print to hard copy
MENU			adds a pull-down menu to a window
MID$( )			return a substring from a string
MKDIR( )		make a new subdirectory
NAME a$ AS b$		rename file named a$ to b$
NOMAINWIN		keep a program's main window from opening
NOTICE			open a notice dialog box
OPEN			open a file, window, or DLL
OPEN "COMn:..."         open a communications port for readin/writing
a OR b			performs boolean and bitwise OR
OUT port, byte		send a byte to a port
Platform$		special variable containing platform name
PLAYWAVE  		plays a *.wav sound file
PRINT			print to a file or window
PROMPT			open a prompter dialog box
PUT #h, n		puts a random access record n for #h
RADIOBUTTON		adds a radiobutton to a window
REDIM			redimensions an array and resets it contents
REM			adds a remark to a program
RETURN			return from a subroutine call
RIGHT$( s$, n )		n rightmost characters of s$
RMDIR( )		remove a  subdirectory
RND( n )		return pseudo-random seed
RUN s$, mode		run external program s$, with optional mode
SCAN			checks for and dispatches user actions
SIN( n )		sine of n
SORT			sorts single and double dim'd arrays
SPACE$( n )		returns a string of n spaces
STR$( n )		returns string equivalent of n
STRUCT			builds a structure used in calling of APIs and DLL functions
TAN( n )		tangent of n
TIME$( )		returns current time as string
TRACE n			sets debug trace level to n
TRIM$( s$ )		returns s$ without leading/trailing spaces
UPPER$( s$ )		s$ converted to all uppercase
USING( )		performs numeric formatting
UpperLeftX		specifies the x position where the next window will open
UpperLeftY		specifies the y position where the next window will open
VAL( s$ )		returns numeric equivalent of s$
Version$		special variable containing LB version info
WHILE...WEND		performs looping action
WindowWidth		specified the width of the next window to open
WindowHeight		specifies the height of the next window to open
WORD$( s$, n )		returns nth word from s$
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