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Editor: James Ashton
Being the Editor enables one to maintain two homes; one in 'town', and a weekend retreat in 'the country'. James has got this hilariously about-face. He spends the week in rural Bath, and he weekends in horrid old London.

Deputy Editor: Matthew Pierce
Being the Deputy Editor enables one to mumble the word 'deputy' down the phone when speaking to people, and make them think that you're actually the Editor. Matt does this, and also gets to 'be' the Editor when James is sick.

Online Editor: Jim McCauley
Being the On-Line Editor enables one to spend every hour of every day updating the Web site, with precious little time to eat, drink, sleep or 'other'. Jim thankfully has little interest in any of these four activities.

CD-ROM Editor: Trevor Witt
Being the CD-ROM Editor enables one to spend all day, every day, downloading and playing with the latest game demos and mods. And then copy them onto a CD. Easy. So why's Trevor always so grumpy?

Production Editor: Ross Atherton
Being the Production Editor enables one to hit lazy writers with a large stick, and to play lots of games as well. The well-heeled Rosswell Montague Atherton III, however, has a butler to do the stick-wielding, leaving lots of time for games.

Editorial Assistant: Kate Little
Being the Editorial Assistant enables one to. Well, to do what they're told, essentially. Kate handles this responsibility with great fortitude. Mainly because Ross' butler is so hard-working, there's not much left for her to do.

Writer: Kieron Gillen
Being the Writer enables one to spend every hour of every day writing the bulk of the magazine, with precious little time to eat, drink, sleep or 'other'. Kieron crams as much of all four as possible into his off-duty hours, with horrifying results.

Writer: Steven Brown
Being the other Writer enables one to really mess up the running theme of these little pieces. Steve's the latest addition to the PC Gamer family, and as such he gets to write the bits of the mag that not even Kieron can be bothered with.

Art Editor: Richard Hood
Being the Art Editor enables one to have whizzo fun with the PC Gamer crayons. You should not, however, leave crayons on top of a hot monitor. Would anyone like to buy Rich's sculpture: Monitor-Shaped Thing Made Out Of Multi-Coloured Wax?

Deputy Art Editor: Nathan Pottecary
Being the Deputy Art Editor enables one to sit very quietly in a corner of the office, never saying anything, and to vanish bang on 6.00 every day to go and do sinister and secret things. With PVC. At least, that's what Nathan seems to do.

Group Ad Manager: Jayne Francis
Being the Group Ad Manager enables one to quaff the finest vintage champagne accompanied by the choicest luxury snacks, helicoptered in from all around the world, while delegating all your work to the Ad Manager. Well done, Jayne!

Ad Manager: Helen Watkins
Being the Ad Manager enables one to quaff high-quality champagne accompanied by fine luxury snacks, all delivered fresh from Marks and Spencer every morning, while delegating all your work to the Senior Sales Exec. Well done, Helen!

Senior Sales Exec: Helen Johns
Being the Senior Sales Exec enables one to occasionally dream of champagne and snacks. The rest of the day is spent selling adverts and doing all the work delegated by Helen and Jayne. Chin up, Helen! Your day will come!