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IMAX becomes a tool for Flipper propaganda.
The rare siamese-twin dolphin
IMAX is a great format for experiential movies, and Dolphins has scenes that put the viewer right in the ocean with the magnificent creatures. However, there are far too few pure experience scenes -- and that is only the beginning of this film's problems. See, it's actually a documentary about people studying dolphins, only the whole film just proves that nobody knows anything about them.

The filmmakers spend all this time showing us underwater cameras and soundwave-analyzing computers, but they can never say, "This machine tells us this about dolphins." They even outright say that they can't learn any more about the animals. So why are we watching scenes of people not learning anything when we could be vicariously swimming in the ocean?


The documentary itself is illogically one-sided. They criticize the tuna nets that kill dolphins in the ocean, but they never address how the aquarium dolphins were found. They didn't just magically appear in the heavily guarded water tank. Those cute little water mammals doing flips and twists at Sea World were captured by the same ruthless Star-Kist boaters, so stop acting so holier-than-thou.

Also, according to this film, all dolphin scientists are totally hot. In this movie, the male scientist is a buff bodybuilder, and the female is a bikini babe. It's a good thing no unattractive people are trying to learn about aquatic life. That would just be silly.

The music by Sting sets the tone of the flowing ocean and tropical settings, but after hearing that stupid "Elay elay elay elay" song on the radio all the time, even his original music feels overplayed. Pierce Brosnan is a boring narrator. He sounds more like an old schoolteacher than the man we know as James Bond. He must get some sort of tax deduction for contributing to an educational film, or maybe it impresses women that he's so sensitive about nature. He'd earn more respect for that reasoning than if he actually supports this propaganda.

But mainly there's just too little dolphin footage. IMAX is about experiencing. This film shows it can put us under the ocean or up in the air with the stunt dolphins, but it keeps taking us away for more documentary footage. It's the opposite of Godfather III. Just when we thought we were in, they pull us back out. It's such a shame because the pure dolphin footage is beautiful.

Sega Genesis fans hoping for a nostalgic look back at Ecco beware: This is not a movie about dolphins. It's a movie about scientists whose life work has produced too few results. If you want to experience IMAX at its best, go see Cyberworld 3D.

- Fred Topel

Yep... dolphins
Yep... more dolphins
Dolphin and hot scientist

"According to this film, all dolphin scientists are totally hot."


The top secret Sea World auditions

Dolphin (L) and hot bikini scientist (R)

Genre Documentaries
Studio IMAX Corporation
Director Greg MacGillivray
Stars Kathleen Dudzinski, Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez

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