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News 4/28/00
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Weekend at the Movies 4/28/00

Three new releases, Where the Heart Is, Frequency and The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, go head-to-head in a showdown with last weekend's box office winner U-571.

Spacey Denies Pink Panther Rumors 4/28/00

Just like the allegations of his homosexuality, Oscar winner Kevin Spacey has denied that he will be taking on the role of the French Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther remake.

Leno Gets His Star On Walk of Fame 4/28/00

Comedian and TV host Jay Leno got an early birthday present: his own star on the world famous Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Contract Battles for X-Files and Friends 4/28/00

The NBC and Fox Networks are coming down to the wire with next season's contract negotiations for two of their big rating winners, Friends and X-Files.

Stupid News of the Day 4/28/00

Have you been ignoring your pussy?

Around Town 4/28/00

ER Around Through 2004, Benjamin Bratt Teams Up With Sandra Bullock, and Ashley Judd to Say "I Do"

Regis' Heart Not Ready For The Final Answer 4/28/00

Perhaps the stress of sympathizing with potential millionaires in the hot seat is just too much for Regis Philbin: four days ago, the ABC host had surgery to clear a blocked artery after experiencing chest pain during his vacation.

News: 4/27/00

News: 4/26/00

News: 4/25/00

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[Tech Special Event]
Digital entertainment -- TO THE EXTREME! Buckle up and prepare to take a bullet train through the best consumer technology of the 21st Century.

Banjo-Tooie Review

[Nintendo Review]
The bear and the bird are back in fine form, and they've brought a lot of new friends with them.

The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide

[Radar Special Event]
Now, presented in its complete, uncompromising form, the Director's Cut, if you will, of the Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide!

Xbox Engines

[Xbox Feature]
So what exactly is a middleware provider anyway? We answer that question and take a look at three engines they are actually providing.

Alice Movies & Screenshots

[PC Movies]
Deep inside a cheeky goth girl's mind. Eight movies and screenshots.

Black and White Preview

[Sega Preview]
Dreamcast owners get a chance to play God...

Starship Troopers Ultimate Thrillseekers Sweepstakes

[The Goods Contest]
Enter now to win a flatscreen TV, DVD player, and Starship Troopers the DVD, the book, and the PC game! Quite simply, it's all the Starship Troopers you can handle.

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