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[Review] What do you get when you have a big, slow-moving lizard stomping across all sorts of terrain?

Gamecube Preview Talks Tech

[Feature] SharkyGames.com posts a tech-filled preview of the Gamecube, and brings up some interesting points.

Nintendo 64 Cedemo Movies

[Feature] Experience some movies from some classic and not-so-classic Nintendo 64 games.

Backward Compatible: Dodge The Ball!

[Column] One of the most fun and least known games for the NES still has a prized place in Wolf's heart.

Crawfish GBA Racing Game Movie

[Feature] Take a look at what the Game Boy Advance can do with a racing game!

Nintendo Forums

[Special Event] Now it's your turn to wax rant-like on any topic of your choice in the new Daily Radar forums!

Nintendo Letters:  No epic letters this time. Good.
Console Q&A:  Ever wonder why so many games are anti-Nazi?

•  Mobile 21 Talks GBA
•  Top 10 Game Boy Games, 11/12-11/18
•  Top 10 N64 Games, 11/12-11/18
•  Future Questions for Nintendo's Handheld Dominance
•  Gamecube Conference Coming?
more news >>

Quote: Getting there is a simple pain in the thumb, however, as Godzilla walks about as fast as a dying inchworm.

Godzilla The Series: Monster Wars GBC Review >>
New Hints & Guides
hint   WWF: No Mercy

hint   Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000

hint   San Francisco Rush 2049

hint   Turok 3 Oblivion

hint   Excitebike 64

Recent Releases
12.1  Godzilla The Series: Monster Wars (Game Boy)

11.29  Scooby-Doo: Classic Creep Capers (Nintendo 64)

11.27  Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (Game Boy)

11.21  Blues Brothers 2000 (Nintendo 64)

11.20  Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 GBC (Game Boy)

[Direct Hit Theme]
Today: The ultra controversial Top 10 Simpsons moments of all time!

Is this the Xbox?

[Xbox News]
This image was supposedly leaked from Microsoft's intranet late last week. Is it the real thing?

Tribes 2 Hands-On Preview

[PC Preview]
We finally got our hands on a beta of Tribes 2. All we can say is kiss your free time goodbye.

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Review

[Sega Review]
The Grateful Undead make their latest tour on the Dreamcast with the very Sega-friendly Nemesis.

NBA Live 2001 PS2: Hands On

[Sony Preview]
Madden 2001, NHL 2001, SSX. EA's on a roll and NBA Live 2001 may be just the game they need to keep it going. Check out our first ever hands on impressions.

Mike Scully Talks Simpsons

[Showbiz Interview]
Mike Scully is the man in charge of the funniest sitcom of all time -- and this is his story

Win A Copy of No One Lives Forever!

[The Goods Contest]
Fox Interactive and Daily Radar are giving away NOLF to 25 lucky wannabe super-spies!

Win A Copy of No One Lives Forever!

Fox Interactive and Daily Radar are giving away NOLF to 25 lucky wannabe super-spies!

Starship Troopers Ultimate Thrillseekers Sweepstakes

Enter now to win a flatscreen TV, DVD player, and Starship Troopers the DVD, the book, and the PC game! Quite simply, it's all the Starship Troopers you can handle.

[Nintendo Features] Nintendo Features Archive >>

Nintendo 64 Cedemo Movies

[12.1] Experience some movies from some classic and not-so-classic Nintendo 64 games.

Gamecube Preview Talks Tech

[12.1] SharkyGames.com posts a tech-filled preview of the Gamecube, and brings up some interesting points.

Crawfish GBA Racing Game Movie

[11.30] Take a look at what the Game Boy Advance can do with a racing game!

Pokemon Puzzle Challenge Screensaver

[11.28] Nintendo's latest marketing gimmick is aimed right at your idle PC.

Crawfish Releases Game Boy Advance Movies

[11.27] Crawfish is hard at work on three different engines for the Game Boy Advance, and we've got two movies of the first-person shooter.

[Nintendo Reviews] Nintendo Reviews Archive >>

Godzilla The Series: Monster Wars

[12.1] What do you get when you have a big, slow-moving lizard stomping across all sorts of terrain?

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command GBC

[11.30] This action shooter is more likely to produce hand cramps than entertain the Game Boy Color-owning masses.

Rugrats in Paris: The Movie

[11.29] It's a game about babies running wild, but the puzzle fun is enough to make kids run in fear.

Chicken Run

[11.28] Reminiscent of Lemmings, this is one game that will make passing the time quite enjoyable.

Micro Machines V3

[11.27] Miniaturized racing has never been so good -- but that doesn't mean you have to run out and buy this game immediately.

[Nintendo Hints + Guides] Nintendo Hints + Guides >>

hint WWF: No Mercy
hint Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000
hint San Francisco Rush 2049
hint Turok 3 Oblivion
hint Excitebike 64
guide Perfect Dark
hint Army Men Sarge's Heroes
hint Battle Tanx Global Assault
guide Donkey Kong 64
guide WWF WrestleMania 2000

[Nintendo Columns] Nintendo Columns >>

Backward Compatible
Dodge The Ball!

[11.30] One of the most fun and least known games for the NES still has a prized place in Wolf's heart.

Nintendo Radar Rants
The Power Of Licensing

[11.29] The games might universally suck, but the fact of the matter is that licensed titles make lots of money.

11-27-00: Turkey Day Lethargy

[11.27] Still digesting the turkey you overindulged with last Thursday? Find out what you missed while sleeping it off.

11-20-00 Nintendo's Selling Fever

[11.20] Your weekly collection of Nintendo news, wrapped up nice and pretty in one easy-to-read package

Backward Compatible
Fly, Kid Icarus, Fly!

[11.16] The halcyon days of the Nintendo Entertainment System were also home to an old favorite: Kid Icarus

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