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Madden 2001 PS2

The greatest football game of all time is headed to PS2.

Recent Previews
Game Name Release Date
Army Men: Green Rogue (PS2)
Project Eden (PS2) May 2001
Test Drive Off-Road - Wide Open (PS2)
Toy Story Racing (PS1) March 2001
Darkstone (PS1)
Army Men Air Attack 2 (PS2)
ESPN MLS ExtraTime (PS2) March, 2001
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001 (PS2)
Shadow of Destiny (PS2) March
Giants: Citizen Kabuto (PS2) Q2 2001

Full Preview Index

[The Goods Contest]
Castrol and Daily Radar will send you to see the wrasslin' up close and personal.

Awardasarus 2000

[Radar Special Event]
Cast your vote for the best and worst games, movies, and actors, of 2000. All of your votes count! (except that one guy)

DC Compatible Xbox Debunked

[Xbox Column]
Rumors have already started to spread, but, alas, it's not true.

Sim Coaster Review

[PC Review]
It's take number two for Bullfrog and their 3D Sim park franchise. Can a second helping ever be as good as the first?

Dreamcast Mark II?

[Sega Feature]
Sega and Pace show off the little set-top box with the big Dreamcast chip inside.

Paper Mario Review

[Nintendo Review]
It might be the only real RPG for the N64, but it's certainly one of the best RPGs available -- on any system.


[Showbiz Review]
No scares, no breasts and barely any gore: is this what horror movies have come to?

Why Did the Children Have to Burn?

[Direct Hit Destruction Week]
So you could learn a valuable lesson about the dangers of keeping explosives in your house, that's why

Digital Breathalizer Review

[Tech Review]
This is what happens when technology collides with sever alcohol abuse and moral flexibility.

Watch. Rate. Win $10,000!

[The Goods Contest]
Here's your chance to enjoy cutting-edge entertainment, deliver your opinions to a global audience, and possibly win $10,000!

WIN an Apex DVD player

[The Goods Contest]
Swap at SwitcHouse between now and January 31st for a daily chance to win an Apex DVD player!

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