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Today's Q & A
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Console Q&A
answered by:
Chris Charla Console Q&A; Guru, DailyRadar.com

Charla's out today, so the revelation will have to wait 'til Monday. Until then, here's a brief Q&A....;

Q: How to get the BBA to work with the American PSO! To put it bluntly, the American version of PSO does NOT include ANY Broadband installation software in the game. The ONLY way to get your BBA configured to work with American PSO is to borrow/import the Japanese version, look for a FAQ on the net, and configure it that way. Or you need to get a hold of the Japanese Passport (web browser) CD and configure it through there. Personally using the Japanese version of PSO is the easiest way. For more details, go to www.gamefaqs.com, click on Dreamcast (along the left side), click on PSO under Most Popular Message boards, then take a look through the messages. I'd post the full steps here, but it's a tad too long. So, finally, Sega screwed ALL us BBA users, making us either wait for the American Passport CD (end of March, MABYE), or by making us import the Japanese PSO CD to configure the BBA. This does work however, as I'm using the American PSO with the BBA. It rocks. It does greatly reduce loading time into the world, and into the server select screen.
A: Thanks!
Q: I finally snagged a PS2 from Playstation.com and it came today. Man am I psyched! Anyways, here's my Q: I've got enough dough left for two games, so I'm wondering which two you'd recommend. My favorite genres are Action and RPG, but I'm up for just about anything provided its good. Thanks for the help, and keep up the good work (LONG LIVE SEGA RADAR!)
A: SSX, Smuggler's Run and Summoner (or wait for Dark Cloud and ATV).
Q: Would It have hurt Sega that much financially to continue to support the Dreamcast while at the same time making games for multiple platforms? I don't understand why it was necessary to completely end their Dreamcast business in order to focus on other platforms. For instance, What would have stopped them from releasing a Sonic game on GBA and a Dreamcast version at the same time?
A: Yes it would have hurt them, because one of the main reasons to buy a DC was software exclusivity.
Q: Hey Daily Radar, any chance we'll see Tony Hawk 3 for PS2 at E3 2001? I'd love to play a new Tony Hawk game for PS2. And when's Twisted Metal: Black coming out? I can't wait for next gen vehicular combat. Sega on PS2? DROOL!
A: I suspect we'll see TH3 at E3. TM Black should be out ina couple of months, maybe as late as summer though.
Q: Reports on the net say you can get the BroadBand Adapter to work with the American PSO. The only catch is that they had to setup the broadband adapter using a Japanese PSO or dream passport 3.0. Unfortunately I don't have $70 to plunge into an import copy nor do I want to pirate the damn game. IS THERE A SOLUTION THAT CAN HELP US PLEASE!?!?!?
A: See the first answer.
Q: 2 Questions today: 1. WOAH! I was feeling bored last night, so I checked out my rented copy of UT for the PS2 and just to see what would happen, I popped in my Dad's Logitech USB mouse. I was absolutely blown away to find out that it actually worked - AND WORKED WELL TOO! My question is however, rather a paragraph of curiosity. Is Sony planning on releasing their own keyboard and mice? If so, what will they look like? Will I pay double the price for one? WHEN? Should I spare the agonizing wait and buy some nice Logitech stuff NOW? 2. UT also seems to support the S400 I-link feature. But last time I checked, the cable hadn't even been released here. Has it actually been released here and I just didn't notice (I'd find THAT hard to believe)? If not, when will it be released? Will it cost a fortune? Since it's Firewire and all, I'd expect absolutely stunning network speeds.... PS: Please keep in mind that I'm in Canada, so please indicate if your prices are in USDs.. Thanks a lot
A: Sony hasn't announced a keyboard yet, but any USB mouse and keyboard should work -- except the G4 Apple keyboards, which for some reason just don't work. There's no word yet on a Sony Firewire cable, but you don't need theirs.
Q: Any official word, rumor, hearsay, speculation on whether there will be a TV adapter for GBA? Maybe when you plug it in to the GameCube? WideBoy for the masses? These post-adolescent eyes get tired of squinting.
A: No clue. Maybe though.
Q: Regarding the possible saturn/ps1 conversions, wouldn't it be rad if they released a compilation of the best Saturn games on a ps2 DVD? Any chance of this happening?
A: It would be awesome, but Sega is planning individual releases.
Q: I already have a PlayStation 2, I really like it and all, in fact I think it's the greatest system ever. My question is do you think it's safe for me to buy a Dreamcast for $99 because there are a couple games on DC that I wanna buy such as NBA2K2 and Shenmue? $99 is really a steal! Or will those games be coming on PS2?
A: Some of them will appear on PS2, but not all of them, so it might still be worth your while.
Q: Hey Chris- Just wanted you to know that a lot of us out here, including myself, will be very sad to see you go. You definitely seemed to have the most balanced view of all of the systems of any of the console staffers, and your witty and often amusing answers (and even hamburger preferences) will be sorely missed. Best regards and warmest wishes for the future,
A: Chris is too choked up to answer. He's choked up on the mad breakfast he had at TJ's Gingerbread House in Oakland.
Q: I've heard from some Xbox fanboys that the PS2 version of METAL GEAR SOLID 2 won't have anti-aliasing and bump mapping. Do you know if this is true? Thanks for your time.
A: It'll have plenty-nice graphics, so don't sweat it. Since it's not finished, it's impossible to say what will be in and what won't. Expect both anti-aliasing and bump-mapping.
Q: WHAT THE F*CK! My questions NEVER get answered.
A: That's because you have a pottymouth.

     Got a Question? Send email to info@dailyradar.com
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