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Name: Frank O'Connor
What He Do: Editor in Chief, Consoles
Who He Be: Frank was born in Scotland. He's often very angry, which makes a vein pop out on his forehead.
Email: hank.scorpio@dailyradar.com

Name: John Newlin
What He Do: Editor in Chief, Showbiz & Direct Hit
Who He Be: John is from Indiana. He gave an ex-girlfriend a thighmaster for Christmas.
Email: disco.stu@dailyradar.com

Name: Chris Kramer
What He Do: Editor in Chief, PC & Gadgets
Who He Be: Kramer is from SoCal. It explains the long hair and the Viking helmet.
Email: otto@dailyradar.com

Name: Jason Samuel
What He Do: Executive Editor, PC
Who He Be: Jason was born in Kankakee, IL. He's never spent more than $1.00 on a hot dog.
Email: troy.mcclure@dailyradar.com

Name: Dan Egger
What He Do: Executive Editor, Direct Hit
Who He Be: Egger is from Tuolumme, CA. When he's not busy being bias, he likes tennis, hiking and taking payoffs from Sony.
Email: handsome.pete@dailyradar.com

Name: Carrie Shepherd
What She Do: Executive Editor, News
Who She Be: Carrie hails from Massachusetts. Her favorite characters in the Wizard of Oz are the flying monkeys.
Email: blinkie@dailyradar.com

Name: Greg Orlando
What He Do: Editor, Sega
Who He Be: Greg is from Long Island. He thinks Spider-Man would kick Batman's ass.
Email: smilin.joe.fission@dailyradar.com

Name: Jim Preston
What He Do: Editor, PC & Xbox
Who He Be: Jim comes outta the Big Easy, New Orleans. He has a PhD.
Email: dr.nick@dailyradar.com

Name: Daniel Erickson
What He Do: Editor, Sony
Who He Be: Daniel clawed his way out of Modesto, CA. He thanks his lucky stars every single day.
Email: frank.grimes@dailyradar.com

Name: Chris Bushnell
What He Do: Editor, Showbiz
Who He Be: Chris is from NoCal. He likes boxing, improv, and boxing improv.
Email: moleman@dailyradar.com

Name: Michael Wolf
What He Do: Editor, Nintendo
Who He Be: Michael is from Cayucos, CA. He likes to pretend like he's a Ranger named Gorfang.
Email: cletus@dailyradar.com

Name: Scott DeVaney
What He Do: Editor, Direct Hit
Who He Be: Scott is a wholesome midwestern boy. He likes corn, whiskey and good clean livin'.
Email: snake@dailyradar.com

Name: Kevin Rice
What He Do: Technical Editor, PC
Who He Be: Kevin was born in Cleveland, OH. He moved to Texas as a boy, and ate his first armadillo by the age of 12.
Email: lyle.langley@dailyradar.com

Name: Cheryl Compton
What She Do: Associate Editor, Showbiz
Who She Be: Cheryl is a Hoosier. She openly admits she loved the Bay City Rollers and thinks Joey Fatone from 'N Sync is a fox.
Email: cheryl@dailyradar.com

Name: David Simkins
What He Do: Associate News Editor
Who He Be: Fleeing from his home in Urbana, IL to the promised land of San Fran, David survived on lichen and roots.
Email: ganesh@dailyradar.com

Name: Garrett Kenyon
What He Do: Staff Writer, Console
Who He Be: Garrett is from parts unknown. At the times of mankind's greatest need, he rides the land once more, righting wrongs and eating twinkies.
Email: millhouse@dailyradar.com

Name: David Chen
What He Do: Staff Writer, Sony
Who He Be: David is from Ann Arbor, MI. It's cold up there, especially if you have no teeth. David has teeth.
Email: brian.mcgee@dailyradar.com

Name: Carol Campbell
What She Do: Production Editor
Who She Be: Carol was born in Flushing, NY. She knows who's buried in Grant's Tomb. That's because she won an Emmy writing for Jeapordy.
Email: carol@dailyradar.com

Name: Chris Charla
What He Do: Q&A; Guru
Who He Be: Chris is all about his home state, Michigan. If the Redwings were pagan gods, Chris would be their high priest.
Email: consoleqna@dailyradar.com

Name: Daniel Griffith
What He Do: Japanese Correspondent
Who He Be: Daniel lives in Tokyo. Small children find him disturbing.

Name: Kristin Satterlee
What She Do: Copy Editor
Who She Be: Kristin is from Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. She will never, ever go back there.
Email: ksatterlee@dailyradar.com


Name: Matt Sammons
What He Do: Webmaster
Who He Be: Matt sprang forth fully formed from his father's head in Ohio. How his head got in Ohio, we'll never know.
Email: mr.sparkle@dailyradar.com

Name: Kathryn Renta
What She Do: Production Assistant
Who She Be: Kathryn is totally SoCal. She likes to pretend she's a Victorian prostitute named Scabby Anne.
Email: lurleen.lumpkin@dailyradar.com

Name: Paul Byrnes
What He Do: Web Monkey
Who He Be: Paul escaped from St. Louis, MO. He insists that Zima was a good idea.
Email: smithers@dailyradar.com


Name: Peter Stringfellow
What He Do: Director of Ad Sales
Who He Be: Peter is a Californian. He listens to Phish, which results in regular beatings from the rest of the staff.
Email: peter@dailyradar.com

Name: Jared Cantor
What He Do: Eastern Advertising and Business Development Director
Who He Be: Jared is from the Empire State and enjoys adding fuel to the whole East Coast/West Coast rivalry. He's keepin' it real.
Email: jared@dailyradar.com

Name: Carl Ware
What He Do: Business Development
Who He Be: Carl comes from Pittsburgh, PA. He knows the Riddle of Steel, what is good in life and how to punch out a camel.
Email: cware@imaginemedia.com

Name: Eric Greene
What He Do: National Sales Manager
Who He Be: Eric is a New Yorker. He's so mean he once killed a man for snorin' too loud.
Email: eric@dailyradar.com

Name: David Pangelinan
What He Do: National Sales Manager
Who He Be: David is 100% California. He's here for the good vibes -- and the cheese.
Email: dpangelinan@imaginemedia.com

Name: Mick Cogliandro
What He Do: National Sales Manager
Who He Be: Mick is from San Francisco, CA. He's one of 10 people born here, the rest all came for Internet IPOs.
Email: mick@dailyradar.com

Name: Anna Limon
What She Do: Sales Coordinator
Who She Be: Born in Longbeach, CA, Anna's hobbies include kayaking, kickboxing, and guzzling propane.
Email: alimon@dailyradar.com

Name: Kiera Schelz
What She Do: Sales Assistant
Who She Be: Kiera is straight out of Motor City: Detroit, Michigan. She has never seen a C. Thomas Howell movie.
Email: kschelz@dailyradar.com


Name: Lila Polite
What She Do: Senior Marketing Manager
Who She Be: Lila was actually born in Manhattan. No one is born in Manhattan. She brings this flair for the impossible to everything she does.
Email: lpolite@imaginemedia.com

Name: Mindi Levine
What She Do: Marketing Manager
Who She Be: Mindi comes from New Jersey, the Garden State. Ironically, she's never gardened.
Email: mindi@dailyradar.com

Name: Leslie Scott
What She Do: Marketing Manager
Who She Be: Leslie, on the other hand, was actually born on a secret army base in the Mojave desert! There is no point in making anything up about her.
Email: lscott@imaginemedia.com

Name: Michael Manrique
What He Do: Marketing Coordinator
Who He Be: Yet another SoCal Radarite, reports that Michael is faster than a speeding bullet are false. He can leap tall buildings in a single bound, though.
Email: mmanrique@dailyradar.com


Name: Roddy de la Garza
What He Do: Publishing Director
Who He Be: Roddy is a Texan. He'd like to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company.
Email: publisher@dailyradar.com

Name: Aaron Loeb
What He Do: Executive Producer
Who He Be: Aaron is from Urbana, IL. He believes so very deeply that cilantro is not edible.
Email: kodos@dailyradar.com

Name: Mike Luton
What He Do: Internet Engineer
Who He Be: Mike is from California. He may not have been born here. Do not tell him he looks like Tom Green. Do not look him in the eye.
Email: lenny@dailyradar.com

Imagine Media Management

Jonathan Simpson-Bint
Entertainment Division

Tom Valentino
Imagine Media

Steve Leibman
Vice President, Human Resources
Imagine Media

Chris Anderson
Imagine Media

Charles Schug
General Counsel
Imagine Media

Richard Saffir
Associate General Counsel
Imagine Media

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