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Dan Szymborski

Email: dan@baseballprimer.com

DAN SZYMBORSKI grew up an Orioles fan in suburban Baltimore and spent his formative years reading early Bill James and the Elias Baseball Analyst and has been a simulation gamer since 1989. After realizing in his teenage years that MLB was already well-stocked in bad second basemen like Damaso Garcia, he embarked on his current career of perpetual student.

Favorite Baseball Stuff
Baltimore Orioles
Ballplayer - All Time: Joe Orsulak
Ballplayer - Current: Dave Magadan
Manager: Earl Weaver
Book: The Lords of the Realm by John Helyar
Annual: The 1985 Baseball Abstract
Writer: Art Martone
Announcer: Jon Miller
Ballpark: Camden Yards
Playing Experience: My favorite playing experience was when I was 11 and was pitching in a game for the very first time. I couldn't throw very hard or very accurately, but since I threw sidearm and the batters weren't used to that, I ended up either striking out or hitting every batter, causing the opposing coach to call me names that I can't repeat here.
Positions Played: I played pretty much everywhere by the age of 19 except the outfield, since I was never good at judging fly balls. If I ever get around to playing in an adult baseball league, I hope to play 2B again, which is the position I was the best at and most enjoyed playing.
Ball Parks Visited: Of the ballparks I've visited, my favorites are still Camden Yards and Yankee Stadium.
Best Current Position Player: Barry Bonds
Best Current Pitcher: Pedro Martinez
Areas of Interest: Baseball, classical music, politics, economics, chess, pro wrestling
Favorite Quote: ???


Transaction Oracle: 3/22/01
 Learn from the wisdom of the Transaction Oracle. March 22, 2001

Transaction Oracle: 3/12/01
 Learn from the wisdom of the Transaction Oracle. March 14, 2001

Transaction Oracle: Transaction Oracle - 3/1/01
 Learn from the wisdom of the Transaction Oracle. March 1, 2001


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