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Jane's Helicopter Markets and Systems 2000 - 2001
Günter Endres
Lindfield June 2000

The Helicopter Market - guarded optimism

Although deliveries last year were down a little, healthy order books, together with improved profitability of operators, and strong economic performance in Europe and the United States, would suggest that the industry is entering a period of stable growth. The availability of new turbine models has made a major contribution to the recent revival of the industry, while the piston-engined market has been limited to upgrades of existing models. But the outlook over the next 10 years from various sectors, particularly from engine manufacturers and other industry observers, while generally positive, remains mixed. There should be growth overall in deliveries of new helicopters, but this is unlikely to exceed around 2 to 3 per cent per annum, and the numbers will not add up to a renaissance for rotary manufacturers.

In addition to the vagaries of world economies, the industry is still facing serious issues that could inhibit future growth. These include a decline in private and public heliports, increasing airspace restrictions and access, growing public opposition to helicopter noise, and, in the United States, a reduction in NASA's aeronautics budget. This, says AHS president Rhett Flater, "threatens the continuation of NASA competency in rotorcraft research and technology." On the positive side, the economies of the United States and Europe, together accounting for seven out of 10 new helicopters purchased, are strong. Orders in Latin America, for so long hailed as the market of the future, are encouraging, and the Asian economies are recovering fast.

The availability of new models with increased performance, efficiency and comfort has provided a surge of interest in some market sectors, while the advent of the tiltrotor will further expand the envelope of rotary applications, but will also impinge on some traditional helicopter markets and sales. With more technological advances, the scope of the helicopter in the aerial work, and commercial transport segments will be widened, although where it is most needed, in the underdeveloped world, its use is constrained by financial and political considerations.

In general terms, the global picture over the next five years is one of stability accompanied by modest growth in some areas, particularly in the corporate travel, aeromedical, and offshore sectors (the last slowly being revitalised on the back of higher oil prices). Heli-logging has been going through a difficult period, but has now stabilised, as have training activities. Operators of sightseeing services in the United States continue to battle against attempts to prevent flights over national parks. The military market is recovering from the recent low, with deliveries of new helicopters increasing over the next two years, before settling back at a lower annual average. Transport and attack helicopters will lead the market, followed by utility helicopters.

Overall, the market for new civil helicopters will remain flat for the foreseeable future and is unlikely to exceed 800 turbine units a year, with a 60/40 split in favour of commercial models. The same will apply to piston-engined helicopters, which continue to battle against restrictive legislation. The annual total will remain at around 300 units.

Although dwarfed in terms of value by fixed-wing aircraft, the helicopter business is, nevertheless, an exciting one. With more than 50,000 helicopters in active service and matching the big jets in longevity, it could not be otherwise.

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