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News 2/29/00
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Big Huge Details 2/29/00

yesterday's announcement of Brian Reynolds' newly formed realtime strategy game company Big Huge Games, VP of Operations and Development Tim Train has given Daily Radar more details.

News: 2/28/00

Brian Reynolds Announces Big Huge Plans

Following Brian Reynolds surprise departure from Firaxis Games, we've finally got word on his new endeavor -- a realtime strategy game company called Big Huge Games, with other Firaxis alum Jason Coleman, Tim Train and David Inscore. The company will focus on mass-market sales and cutting-edge technology, and will be headquartered in Hunt Valley, MD.


News: 2/25/00

PS2 Benefits Aging Arcade Platform

SCE has decided to allow arcade game makers access to PlayStation2 circuit boards. Since the 128-bit next-gen console's specifications were announced, it has become increasingly apparent that home consoles were bypassing their arcade counterparts in the race for technological supremacy. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun reports that SCE plans to take advantage of economies of scale by selling PlayStation2 boards to manufacturers as well as putting them in its own next-generation home console.


News: 2/24/00

X-Box Logo?

Is this the X-Box logo? Click the link below to check out a logo reputed to be lifted from Microsoft's internal website. Whether the logo is final or even the real McCoy isn't a sure thing, but time will tell.

X-Box Logo


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[The Goods Contest]
Castrol and Daily Radar will send you to see the wrasslin' up close and personal.

Battle Realms History

[PC Feature]
Take a look at the second installment on the history of Battle Realms, Liquid Entertainment's upcoming RTS.

Floigan Brothers Go Online

[Sega News]
Hoigle and Moigle Floigan, stars of the Dreamcast adventure Floigan Brothers take their act onto the Internet.

Sonic's GBA Appearance

[Nintendo News]
We finally have a shot of Sonic on the Game Boy Advance. Woo hoo!

MDK Media Explosion

[Sony Special Event]
Interplay's awesome action game is looking better than ever. New impressions, movies and a full gallery of action-packed screens.

Saving Silverman

[Showbiz Review]
Jack Black, why have you forsaken us? Didn't you realize that this movie sucks?

Awardasaurus Results Exposed!!

[Radar Feature]
Witness the truly shocking results that have the entire world in an uproar!! Read 'em and weep.

Sega on Xbox

[Xbox News]
Sega's new COO mentions that they already have Xbox developer tools and softare libraries on hand.

History of the Not Rod

[Direct Hit Contest]
And on the 8th Week, God said, "Jesus, that's one bad ass ride!"

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