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The Commercial Appeal is an E.W. Scripps Company newspaper.

Indiana and dad lead way as classic films return to Orpheum

Scarlett and Rhett, Nick and Nora, Elvis and Charlie Hodge, the Gate Keeper and the Key Master and a host of other immortal couples will be back in town this summer as the Orpheum theater kicks off its annual "Classic Movie Series" at 7:15 tonight with Indy and Professor Jones (Harrison Ford and Sean Connery) in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989).

  • 'Dennis the Menace' Creator Dies
  • Actress Imogene Coca Dies at Age 92
  • Big-Name Acts on Tour This Summer
  • Kids Boost Book Sales in 2000
  • DreamWorks Preparing 'Shrek' Sequel


    Bel Canto no ordinary romance
    Ann Patchett's fourth novel, Bel Canto, turns her from an interesting and sometimes captivating writer into an important and essential one. Amazements accumulate from page to page, seamlessly and heartbreakingly combining contemporary history, opera and love in a wildly and improbably romantic tale fraught with tragedy. And while that description makes Bel Canto sound like any of a hundred romance novels found in grocery store and airport book racks, the very nature of that risk, along with Patchett's exceptionally well-wrought prose, her almost eerie detachment and the book's phantasmagoric comic strain assure that this is a very serious novel indeed.

    Foxworthy says he's happy to be back playing in 'real world'
    Any schmo can recite lines. But it's hard to tell a joke someone will laugh at, harder still to tell a joke strangers will laugh at.

    That in mind, anyone who can find funny things to say that lots of strangers will pay lots of money to hear is justifiably amazing.

    Therefore, Jeff Foxworthy is amazing. More so than any other comic ... ever?


    Thoughts turning to pasta primavera
    Now that it's warmer, the days are longer and the flower are blooming, there's a kind of spunk in our souls. It's time to let celebrate vegetables and the coming of summer.

    In the culinary world, what better way than with a big bowl of pasta primavera. CLICK HERE


    Tribute to John Hurt does not disappoint
    Tribute records are a dime a dozen these days. They're also usually inferior to the music they honor. But sometimes the right ingredients come together, where powerful performances and respect for the material (without being afraid of it) lead to interpretations that make the music glow anew.



    Good, bad, ugly cinema all here
    Video-rent shop 'like a haven for film nuts'
    The 6,000-plus titles on the shelves at Black Lodge Video include everything from the piety of The Greatest Story Ever Told to the, um, nudity (what else?) of Nude for Satan...


    Tony's act is elusive without a big screen
    By Christopher Blank
    An embarrassing admission: I have never, not once in my life, seen a play in New York City.

    I reveal my secret shame to you for two reasons. First, in the hopes that you, oh lovers of theater, will barrage my editor with flabbergasted letters urging him to fly me to the Big Apple.


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    GoPlayMemphis is's guide to entertainment and includes content from Playbook (published Fridays) and FanFare (a section of the Sunday paper). Contact Peggy McKenzie, Features Editor at or Jon Sparks, Arts & Entertainment Editor at General questions/comments about GoPlayMemphis should be sent to