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X-Com Enforcer

Simplistic arcade action -- but is that worth the $30 price tag?
The ghosts will probably not kill you in this version of Pac-Man but they will slow you down.
Similar to the critically accepted Serious Sam, X-Com Enforcer is a straightforward arcade-ish action game. Move forward, kill enemies and repeat until done. While cleansing the levels of the alien menace, players will scrounge around for new technologies and hidden letters to unlock bonus minigames. That's it; that's the entire game. We figure the X-Com label has been tacked onto the game in order to lure in a few unsuspecting X-Com fans, but this could just as easily have been an X-Files game as X-Com. Both series are equally unrelated to the gaming experience players will find, and both have aliens. That's not to say the game isn't fun. In a repetitive mind numbing kill-a-thon manner, it's a good time. Is it a $30 (120 quarters) good time? No.

X-Com Enforcer

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The concept is straightforward: A scientist from a defunct section of the X-Com organization has continued underground research on an alien-smashing robot. At the beginning of the game, he activates the robot to defend the lab -- and you are that robot.

From the first minute of activation until the end credits you'll kill aliens -- hundreds and hundreds of aliens. They come in different varieties, of course, but they all die, and kill them you will. In a few levels you'll do more than simply kill the aliens; you'll also rescue humans. Thankfully this only involves running around the level finding humans and touching them. There is one level where you defend the humans too, but beyond rescuing and killing there are no other variations of level design. Wait, just remembered, occasionally you'll run into a "boss"-level creature. Wowser!

You'll be killing aliens for more than the mere saving of the world and joy of it; you'll be killing for data points. Almost everything that can be shot gives off an amount of data points. Data points are spent between levels to upgrade technology on the Enforcer. One of the differences between the three levels of difficulty in Enforcer is the cost of technology upgrades. One powerup that unlocks new technologies and letters that spell BONUS are hidden on every level. Collect the letters to open up an extra minigame area at the end of the level. The minigames are actually pretty cool: A couple are based off of classic video games. For instance, there is a Pac-Man level where the Enforcer runs around collecting data points and avoiding the alien "ghosts;" there's also a Frogger level where the Enforcer collects data points through lanes of traffic.

The graphics are decent -- Enforcer is based off the Unreal engine, so it's hard to make it look bad. It's not a first-person shooter, though; instead it's from a locked third-person isometric perspective. This is probably going to drive people nuts at times, because the camera cuts off so much of the level. More than once we wanted the ability to look UP! It's especially annoying when you know the engine has been simplified in order to have this effect.

The game has a multiplayer mode and an Enforcer editor if "fans" out there want to design levels and such. No idea why this game is called X-Com -- it's more likely to piss off the hardcore X-Com fans than suck them in. Ah well, why not trash a brand once you've built it up right?

Serious Sam has set the mark for arcade action games on the PC: If you want to complete in that arena either make it cheaper or better. Unfortunately, this game does neither. Straightforward arcade action, it's simply killing aliens -- and if that's your bag, it's for you. Otherwise, take a pass on what is a black eye on the X-Com name.

- Jason Samuel

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Chop em up
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"The minigames are actually pretty cool: A couple are based off of classic video games. "


Watch out! Rhino pig dogs!

Nice treads fatty!

Just don't call it a Mech

Developer MicroProse
Publisher Hasbro Interactive
Genre Action
Windows, Pentium 233 Mhz, 32MB RAM, 500 MB HD space, 8x, 4MB Video Card
Win 98, PII 450+, 128 MB RAM, 32 MB 3D Video card.
Geeky Scientist
One of the things we did like about Enforcer was the voice work for the geek scientist back at the lab. Witty directions for a level would eventually boil down to, "you know what to do" or "enforce those aliens". A nice twist in the game would have been the ability to go back to the lab and strangle that dork once the technology tree was completed. Unfortunately it didn't happen.

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