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Today's Letters
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Nintendo's Risks
To that person who thought that Nintendo would never take risks... I'm just wondering if that they lost their minds. Okay, so Nintendo uses it's franchise characters. That is one mighty big number of franchises.

As for not taking risks, I suppose you're right. Conker's Bad Fur Day, Sin and Punishment, Eternal Darkness, Dinosaur Planet, all just the same old kiddy crapfest that Nintendo dishes out.

In the words of Conker the Squirrel, "*$%& off".


Now, now. Say it with love!
Nintendo Letters!
Regarding the Nintendo V. SEGA issue I have this to say: This is the fricking Nintendo letters section! Ofcourse it will be filled with people and an editor who prefers Nintendo games. Just like the other divisions of DailyRadar prefer there respected console. So get off it lamers, I think Nintendo games are far superior to SEGA games in every way but guess what I am saying this in the Nintendo section instead of going to the SEGA section and making an ass out of myself.

The Great Saiyaman
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

We are all one in love here.
A Correction
Just to inform you that Seaman DID came out AFTER Hey you Pikachu.

Do you remember a game called Pikachu Genki Dechu that was released in Japan before Seaman??

Hey you Pikachu, was released here AFTER Seaman...But the original one came out in Japan BEFORE Seaman...So maybe Seaman is the ripoff of Hey You Pikachu, because Pikachu Genki Dechu was released first!!!

Fernando Rodriguez Castro
Carolina, PR

Good point -- although it's debateable whether or not Sega knew about the concept before working on Seaman... But we don't feel like postulating about it right now.
Patience You Must Have
How is it that you people do not see. The next generation of console gaming will not be led by Microsoft, nor Sony. but by Nintendo. Before i say anything else do not underestimate Nintendo's chances. They are a company that understands games. And as far as i can see they are only just getting started. Think about it for a moment. The Gamecube is a very powerful and easy to develop for machine. All of Nintendo's previous decisions have been rectified with this one console. At the launch we will see many great games, games created by the world's best game designers and creators. We will see the new mario, the new zelda but what will make it better is that we will see a lot of new games, something revolutionary, something that has never been created before. NINTENDO WILL UNVEIL ALL AT E3 2001 may the 17th. That is the time when Nintendo will show everything. Be prepared you do not know what lies before you.

Daniel J
Perth, NN

We can't wait until E3.
The "games selling the system" subject may be getting old but I wanted to add something. It seems everyone is treating the PS2 as just a game system. I know lots of people who bought the system just because it was a DVD player. The games, for them, were an afterthought. Also even though the PS2 had mediocre launch titles everyone knew MGS2 was coming out. Simply put, DVD player now and MGS2 later. Sony knew that the PS2 would sell even without launch titles because of its DVD capabilities. So maybe for a console launch marketing will make a big difference but in the long run if it doesnt have any good games people will move along to the next system.

Kevin Christensen
Huntington Beach, CA

We don't know anyone who bought the PS2 as a DVD player. If they DID, or even said they did, it was as a justification to their wife/husband/parent to get it, when they really wanted it to play the games. It's simple fact that a normal, everyday DVD player would simply be cheaper than a PS2 -- buying it as a DVD player just doesn't make sense. But for MGS2 -- now that we can understand.
Nintendo Remakes
In the last set of letter alot of people complain that Nintendo "remakes" alot of games such as Mario and Zelda. But if you actually look at it closely to say that Nintendo isn't innovative is plain crazy. There has not been two Mario released here in the US with the same game engine EVER. They have all had Mario but have all been completely special in their own ways. Almost the same thing with Zelda. Majora's Mask is the only game to use an old Zelda engine. If you think that a game in a series can't be innovative then you must also think that Square is the most innovative company on the planet because they have release 9 Final Fantasies and most with basically the same kind of gameplay. Nintendo finds ways to innovate within old franchises and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that. So Nintendo and Sega are very innovative but they just go about it in different ways.

Andrew Maragni
Valley Stream, NY

Mario Kicks Sony
Just look at the Mario games for the N64: Mario Kart, Mario 64, Paper Mario, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, Mario kicks Sony's Ass, mario kicks MS head in, Mario in Super Smash Bros, Mario Party. Sure all these games are based on the same old crappy Nintendo Franchise "Mario" from the NES, but they are all FUN and have great gameplay. Each one has been a successful attempt from Nintendo to reinvent the "Mario" franchise they don't push the same old crappy games they just push the same familiar characters. Is playing or making a game based on an old franchise such a bad thing that gamers would rather play the same old stuff on other systems then experience FUN new games? What has MS and Sony come up with? Halo or MetalGear, please this is nothing new, just a port from the PC and a graphically improved PSX game. Will the Xbox and PS2 have kickass games from EA and other third parties? Yes, but will these games be ported over to the NGC as well? Most likely. So don't count Nintendo out thinking they won't have the software for NGC because they will have successful titles like Mario, Zelda, Perfect Dark, Metroid, and other OLD SCHOOL NES games. Sure they will be based on old familiar characters, but the gameplay won't.


To Steve Main's comments-

Okay... well, it's your loss. I however will be enjoying next generation Metroid, F-Zero, Wave Race, Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, 1080, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Star Fox, Smash Brothers, Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie, Conker, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Punch Out, and whatever other franchises Nintendo decides to revive (I personally would like to see a new Kid Icarus and Duckhunt)

I will enjoy new variations on a similar theme such as Luigi's Mansion, Meowth's Party, Star Wars 2.

I will enjoy new games, potential franchises, like Thornado, Saffire, Eternal Darkness, Sin and Punishment, Dinosaur Planet, Picassio, Too Human, Rebirth (I know Mix-Core isn't a developer, but I keep hope)

Every major developer has signed on to work on GameCube. Squaresoft seems intent on signing on as a Nintendo dev house no matter what. Nintendo has the world's strongest first and second party lineup of all the consoles and they've only added to this list (with recent additions of Silicon Knights and Brownie Brown), not taken away.

Steve Main can believe all he wants, but tried and true franchises sell. Take a look at PSone and Square. FFIX was able to whip the competition. Nintendo put Zelda up against PS2 launch and was able to break records in game sales. Sony is putting FFX up against GCN launch. Look at the anticipation people have for tried and true franchise games like Virtua Fighter 4, Crazy Taxi 2, Gran Turismo 3, Dragon Warrior 8, Mario Party 4, 1080 Snowboarding 2, Pokemon GS, Sonic Adventure 2, Shenmue 2, Madden 2002, NFL 2K2, Tony Hawk 2, Ready to Rumble 2, the almost mind-boggling number of incarnations of Street Fighter and Mega Man, Resident Evil 0.

Every machine will have original, fresh, new content, from the Xbox to the PS2 to the GameCube. Each will also have it's massive share of old tried and true games. If you don't want rehashes, I would suggest you do your gaming on your PC.


We agree with most of what you said except we'd add that the PC his its fair share of remakes of old games, as well.
I have a question about the upcoming Conker's Bad Fur Day. Since it going to be a badass "mature" game, what are the chances of it having any nudity? If Nintendo wants to change their kiddie image to a more adult type, this would be a step in the right direction.

An To
Allen Park, MI

There's no nudity in the game that we've seen so far. The mature rating is mostly due to adult language and situations.
Sorry for Nintendo?
I feel sorry for Nintendo - that company seems to be full of creative geniuses who are obviously very proud of their work (just look at the lengths they go to when trying to stop pirates) but then deluded softcore gamers cause third parties and even first parties to flood the market with third-rate drivel - we all know Sony are hi-fi buffs in videogames clothing. All I can say is that I'm gonna stick with Nintendo no matter what anyone says, because I KNOW that's where the best games are gonna be. Remember - the only winners in the console wars are us, the players.

Adam Coltman
Lightwater, NN

True. But I wouldn't feel to bad for Nintendo -- it will do quite well, we're sure.
No Arguments, Just Questions.
It is my *personal* opinion that Nintendo is the best video game company out there and I am sticking to that - so no arguments from me :)

The one thing I am worried about is "missing the boat." From what I have heard and seen alrady I am VERY VERY excited to buy both a Game Boy Advance and a Gamecube. Do you know the launch dates for each and WHEN and WHERE you are allowed to pre-order them? I feel so horrible for all those people that wanted PS2 for Christmas and didn't get one. I wasn't into the PS2 at all, so I didn't personally mind, but I felt so horrible because if that was me waiting for a game machine that was released but I couldn't get it I would feel HORRIBLE. When do you think the next generation Nintendo consoles will be released, and most importantly when and where will they be allowed to be PRE-ORDERED from??? The Gamecube's gaming capabilities look INCREDIBLE and Mario Advance for Gameboy Advance (Basically Super Mario Bro. II) ALONE is enough for me to want to buy it. (Is it just me or was Mario II like the BEST game ever???? You should do a Backward Compatible article on that....it wasn't like any other Mario games and it was the most fun.....I am soooooooo STOKED about it coming out for GBA!!) :) Alright thank you again very much for all of the work you do on here, even if all these arguers don't appreciate it, I KNOW that Nintendo will always reign supreme, and I plan to be FIRST online getting my preordered systems on their release dates!!! :)


Some online sites have already offered pre-orders and shut them down -- we pre-ordered our Gamecube from GameStop already, but they have already reached their max pre-orders so they aren't taking any more. Some stores like Software Etc. and Electronics Boutique might be taking orders, but it's unlikely -- if they started, they've probably already filled their quota.

As for dates, the only official dates are "July 2001" for GBA and "October 2001" for Gamecube, with nothing more specific than that. But if you go to an import shop, you can likely get a Game Boy Advance imported after its Japanese release on March 21st.

What's Wrong?
What the hell is wrong with Steve Main? "Oh the GC is going to suck because they just keep using the same stuff over and over again!" Boo-hoo! Who cares if it is the same characters. Nintendo doesn't JUST recreate the games with better graphics! They change the formula and make it a new and fun gaming experience each time. People don't seem to mind buying a million Final Fantasy games. Why? Because Square changes the game and makes it better each time (omit FF7 and FF8). So shaddap. Or I suppose that instead of better gameplay, you would just want clones of the old games?

Jake Kowalke
Sterling, VA

Be nice!
FMVs on N64
to that person stating that fmv's could have been done on the n64 he is very wrong. Now i know he didn't actually state fmv's could be done he said reltime cutscenes would have fit the game on a catridge that is also wrong. He obviously never played FFVII or 8 or 9 for that matter cause if he did he would know square didn't use alot of fmv's in the game and mostly stuck to realtime cutscenes besides it spans 3 discs that is about 4 or so carts at least because of a cd's added storage capacity. Oh yeah by the way resident evil 2 had 2 discs for the playstation cause it had a disc for each character with a total of 4 diferent gameplay scenarios. Do some fact checking before you write another letter.

Ryan Engley
Bridgewater MA

Ummm.. that's exactly what he said, though. Real-time cutscenes take up FAR less space than full FMV, and Resident Evil 2 for N64 also contained the game for both characters with different gameplay scenarios -- the entire 2-CD game really did fit on one hefty N64 cart.
Sick and Tired
I am sick and tired of how people(like steve main) claim Nintendo isn't an innovator simply based on the fact that the titles it chooses to stuff innovation into are its franchises. Where is the sense in dissing a game becuase it has the same characters? The facts are that almost every new Mario and Zelda game is better and more chock full of new ideas than the last one and thats what counts.Nintendo could just easily make up more characters, but characters are just co-incidental.They are just there becuase their familiraity sells the game.So next time, think about the GAME not its characters.

P.S.- ExctieBike64 was the best ever 3D bike game, better than any of Sony's-MS's pet-EA's effort.And no I'm not biased

Atlanta, GA

We think that those who think all Mario games are alike probably haven't played too many of them.

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