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Policies in Focus
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When President George W. Bush took the oath of office on January 20, 2001, he accepted the responsibility of service shared only by 41 others. The priorities and policies of those Presidents have been as varied and vast as the times in which they lived. Featured below are the policies currently in focus on the White House web site. These items, while not a comprehensive list of all of President Bush's initiatives, provide an overview of the President's policies.

Transforming the Federal Role in Education So That No Child is Left Behind
As America enters the 21st Century full of hope and promise, too many of our neediest students are being left behind. The principles of reforming public education include increasing accountability for student performance, focusing on what works, reducing bureaucracy and increasing flexibility, and empowering parents. More on education...


  Photo of a child from Ohio.

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
President Bush signed the "Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001" on June 7, 2001. The Tax Relief Act will provide significant income tax relief to millions of taxpayers. A broad range of taxpayers will benefit from the tax relief provisions contained in the Act. More on tax relief...


  Photo of the President signing the Tax Relief Reconciliation Act.

Revitalize National Defense
Ensuring the common defense is the sworn duty and first responsibility of any President. The President believes a strong military is essential to defend American interests and extend the more secure peace that resulted from the end of the Cold War. More on defense...


President shakes hands with military re-enlistees.


Reliable, Affordable, and Environmentally Sound Energy for America's Future
Many families face energy bills two to three times higher than they were a year ago, and millions of Americans find themselves dealing with rolling blackouts and brownouts. The President's Energy Policy focuses on meeting the needs of today while planning for the future and at the same time protecting our natural resources and our environment.
More on energy...


  Photo of the President at Cabinet Meeting discussing the energy report.

Modernize and Reform Social Security
For 65 years, Social Security has provided retirement security for tens of millions of Americans. As demographics change and costs increase, the challenge we face is ensuring that the Social Security system is strengthened for tomorrow's retirees. President Bush has formed a Social Security Commission to modernize and reform Social Security.
More on social security...


  Photo of President Bush at Social Security Commission Announcment.

Modernize and Reform Medicare
Modernizing and saving Medicare must rank among the most urgent priorities in an era of common purpose. Sustaining the Medicare program for future generations of beneficiaries will require an honest and forthright effort by the Federal Government to address these problems. More on medicare...



Photo of President Bush speaking about medicare and other issues at the Joint Session of Congress Address.


Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: Rallying the Armies of Compassion
Despite a multitude of programs and renewed commitments by the federal and state governments to battle social distress, all too many of our neighbors still suffer poverty and despair amidst our abundance. The Federal Government should do more to encourage private giving — from individuals, corporations, foundations, and others — to rally the armies of compassion that labor daily to strengthen families and communities. More on faith-based and community initiatives...


  Photo of President Bush laughing with participants at a Faith-Based organization.


The President's Commitment to Environmental Protection
America is truly blessed with a vibrant and flourishing environment. But with blessings, come responsibility. President Bush has taken specific actions in the first months of his Administration that demonstrate his commitment to a comprehensive environmental protection agenda. More on the environment...
  President Bush visits Moro Rock in the Sequoia National Park.

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