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News releases for July 2001

July 31, 2001
President Bush, Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham (left) and economic advisor Larry Lindsey speak with the media in the Oval Office before the President signed an executive order that sets a standard of energy efficiency July 31, 2001.
President Bush Discusses Patients' Bill of Rights and Energy
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President Outlines Principles for Federal Election Reform
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Commends House Action on Cloning
Statement by the Press Secretary
Executive Order
Notice: Continuation of Iraqi Emergency
To the Congress of the United States
To the Congress of the United States
Nominations Sent to the Senate
July 30, 2001
President Bush thanks his hosts for a warm welcome just before addressing the 25th annual conference of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives at the Marriot Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C., July 30, 2001. White House photo by Eric Draper.
President Reemphasizes Call to End Racial Profiling
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July 30, 2001
Videotaped Remarks by the President for Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree
President Bush to Nominate Two Individuals and Eight United States Attorneys
July 28, 2001
President Commemorates Americans with Disabilities Act in Radio Address
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Discurso Radial Del Presidente a La Nacion
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July 27, 2001
Tilling it up with members of Future Farmers of America, President Bush wades into an enthusiastic crowd after addressing 100 representatives the Friday, July 27, 2001. White House photo by Eric Draper.
President Talks Taxes, Economy
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President Bush to Nominate Sembler to be the Ambassador of the United States to Italy
Statement by the Press Secretary
July 26, 2001
President Bush meets with Erik Weihenmeyer (far left), 32, of Golden, Colorado, and his friends to the Oval Office July 26, 2001. Mr. Weihenmeyer was the first blind person to reach the summit of Mount Everest May 25, 2001. After losing his sight to retinoscheses at the age of 13, he began rock climbing at the age of 16. White House photo by Paul Morse.
President Bush Recognizes 11th Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act
President Bush Honors Senator Paul Coverdell
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President Bush Honors Navajo Code Talkers
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To the Congress of the United States
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
President Bush Intends to Appoint Warren to Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission
President Bush Meets with Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Mark Earley
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July 25, 2001
President Bush meets with members of Congress to discuss his recent tip to the Genoa G-8 Summit in the Cabinet Room at the White House July 25, 2001. White House photo by Eric Draper.
President Discusses Europe Trip with Members of Congress
President Bush to Nominate Four Individuals to Serve in his Administration
Nominations Sent to the Senate
National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 2001
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate
July 24, 2001
President Bush Speaks to American Troops in Kosovo
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President Signs Supplemental Appropriations Act
Statement by the President at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo
July 23, 2001
After attending the G-8 Summit in Genoa, President Bush traveled to Rome to meet His Holiness Pope John Paul II July 23, 2001. In addition to posing for photos, the two leaders took a short walk together and talked privately. White House photo by Eric Draper.
Remarks by President Bush and His Holiness Pope John Paul II
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To the Congress of the United States
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Bush and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi Hold Press Conference
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July 22, 2001
President Bush and President Putin Hold Press Conference
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Dr. Condoleezza Rice Discusses Bilateral Meeting of President Bush with President Putin of Russia
Joint Statement by US President George W. Bush and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir V. Putin on Upcoming Consultations on Strategic Issues
Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Fact Sheet: Russian-American Business Dialogue
Accomplishments of G-7/8 Summit in Genoa, Italy
July 21, 2001
President Bush and President Chirac of France talk over issues during the G-8 sessions, July 21, 2001. White House photo by Paul Morse.
President Bush and President Chirac of France Speak to the Press
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Radio Address of the President to the Nation to the Nation
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U.S. Summit Report
Discurso Radial Del Presidente a La Nacion
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President Bush and German Chancellor Schroeder Speak to the Press
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President Proclaims Parents' Day 2001
July 20, 2001
President Bush talks with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, left, during the G-7 sessions in Genoa, Italy, July 20, 2001. White House photo by Paul Morse.
President Departs to Genoa
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Fact Sheet
Personnel Announcements
Fact Sheet
July 19, 2001
British Prime Minister Tony Blair welcomes President Bush to Chequers in Halton, England, July 19. Like Camp David, which Mr. Blair visited in February, Chequers is a private residence for the Prime Minister where the two leaders can talk privately. "I think it is yet another example of the strength of the relationship between our two countries. It is a very strong relationship, a very special one," said Mr. Blair during a press conference where he welcomed President Bush. White House photo by Eric Draper.
President Commends House for Action on Faith-Based and Community Initiative
Press Conference by President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair
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President Bush Speaks to the Press in London
United States and Italy Pledge Joint Research on Climate Change
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Bush To Nominate Three Individuals to Serve in his Administration
Nominations Sent to the Senate
July 18, 2001
President Bush meets with a roundtable of journalists from Europe at the Worldbank Headquarters in Washington, D.C., July 17, 2001, to discuss his current trip there this week. White House photo by Moreen Ishikawa.
President Participates in Roundtable Interview with Foreign Press
Statement by the Press Secretary
President Bush Nominates Earl N. Phillips To be Ambassador to Barbados
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Personnel Announcements July 18, 2001
July 17, 2001
Addressing the World bank in Washington, D.C., President Bush outlines his plans to discuss the needs of developing nations with European leaders during this week's trip to Europe. White House photo by Moreen Ishikawa.
President Outlines Europe Trip at World Bank
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President Bush Commends House Committees for Energy Progress
President's Statement Regarding the Death of Katharine Graham
President Bush to Announce Several People to Serve in his Administration
Nominations Sent to the Senate
To the Congress of the United States
July 16, 2001
President Bush accepts a bust of Sir Winston Churchill from ambassador of England, Sir Christopher Meyer July 16, 2001.
President Discusses European Trip While Accepting Bust of Winston Churchill
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President Presents Medal of Honor to Captain Ed W. Freeman
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President Bush to Nominate General Jumper to be Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force
Text of a Letter from the President To the Chairmen and Ranking Members of The House Committees on International Relations and Appropriations and the Senate Committees On Foreign Relations and Appropriations
Statement by the President
President Bush to Announce Four People to Serve in his Administration
Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
July 14, 2001
Radio Address by the President to the Nation
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Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
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July 13, 2001
Meeting with this year's March of Dimes ambassador in the Oval Office, President Bush shows off his boots that carry the presidential seal and a red, white, & blue outline of the lone star state. White House photo by Moreen Ishikawa.
Meeting with this year's March of Dimes ambassador in the Oval Office, President Bush shows off his boots that carry the presidential seal and a red, white, & blue outline of the lone star state.
Remarks by the President on Medicare
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President's Statement on Climate Change
Action on Climate Change Review Initiatives
Statement by the President
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate
President Proclaims Captive Nations Week
Remarks by Condoleezza Rice Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs at the National Press Club Newsmaker Luncheon
July 12, 2001
President Bush meets with the democratic members of Congress in the Oval Office July 12, 2001 to discuss the bipartisan-sponsored plan to improve Medicare. White House photo by Paul Morse.
President Announces Medicare Initiative
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The President's Framework to Strengthen Medicare
Nomination Sent to the Senate
President Bush to Nominate Several Individuals to Serve in his Administration
President Bush to Nominate Jordan to be Ambassador of the United States to Saudi Arabia
Statement by the Press Secretary
Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer
Nominations Sent to the Senate
July 11, 2001
President Commends House Committee for Progress on Faith Based and Community Initiative Progress
President Intends to Nominate Robert V. Royall
President Speaks to Specialty Doctors and Patients on Patients' Bill of Rights
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Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
President Bush Intends to Nominate Seven Individuals to Serve in his Administration
Event Backgrounder
July 10, 2001
President Bush and church leaders bow their heads in prayer during congressional gold medal ceremony in honor of Cardinal O'Connor Tuesday, July 10, 2001. White House photo by Eric Draper.
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Request by the Salvation Army for an OMB Circular
Nominations Sent to the Senate
Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Speaks at Ceremony Honoring John Cardinal O'Connor
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Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Signs 4-H Initiative
Remarks by the President At INS Naturalization Ceremony
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July 9, 2001
President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell hold a press conference about Powell's organization, America's Promise, in the Rose Garden July 9, 2001. White House photo by Moreen Ishikawa.
President Bush Speaks to Participants of America's Promise
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President Bush Discusses Patients' Bill of Rights at Hospital
National Security Advisor Announces Appointment
Videotaped Remarks of the President to NAACP National Convention
President Bush to Announce Several Individuals to Serve in his Administration
July 7, 2001
President Orders Federal Aid for Montana Storm Recovery
Radio Address by the President to the Nation
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Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
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July 6, 2001
White House Photo of President Bush and President Putin Phone Call
White House Photo of President Bush and President Putin Phone Call
President Bush and Former President Bush Speak to the Press
President Bush Saddened at Death of Heinz Prechter
July 5, 2001
President George W. Bush announces Robert Mueller to be director of the FBI during an event in the Rose Garden, Thursday, July 5, 2001. WHITE HOUSE PHOTO BY ERIC DRAPER
President Bush Nominates Robert S. Mueller as Director of the FBI
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Biographical Information on Robert S. Mueller, III
President Bush Discusses Education Reform
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Statement by the Press Secretary
Statement by the President
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
July 4, 2001
Arm in arm with Philadelphia Mayor John Street, President Bush passes out birthday cake at an urban block party in Philadelphia July 4, 2001. The President celebrates his 55th birthday July 6, 2001.
President Bush Speaks at Independence Day Celebration
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July 3, 2001
President Bush greets some of the staff and patients at Inova Fairfax Hospital July 3, 2001. The President and Mrs. Bush were at the hospital visiting Desiree and Stephen Sayle, who were celebrating the birth of their second daughter, Vivienne. White House photo by Eric Draper.
President Bush Visits Hospital
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President Bush's Independence Day Message
President Bush to Nominate Sobel to be Ambassador of the United States to the Kingdom of the Netherlands
President Bush to Meet with Hong Kong Administrative Region Chief Executive
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
July 2, 2001
President Bush and Laura Bush meet with leaders of service organizations at the White House Monday, July 2. WHITE HOUSE PHOTO BY ERIC DRAPER
President Bush Meets with Leadership of National Service Organizations
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Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Memorandum for the Secretary of State
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Executive Order
President Bush Visits Jefferson Memorial
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Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
Continuation of Emergency with Respect to the Taliban
Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
President Bush to Nominate Three Individuals to Serve in his Administration
Presidential Appointments -- Nominations and Confirmed
July 1, 2001
Statement by President Bush Economic Adviser Larry Lindsey

Picture of White House logo, which features the White House inside an oval.

Press Briefings
Press Briefing by White House Press Secretary
Press Briefing Archives

Radio Address
President's Radio Address to the Nation
Discurso Radial del Presidente a la Nacion
Radio Address Archive
Archivos - Discursos Radial del Presidente

News & Speeches
September 2001
August 2001
July 2001
June 2001
May 2001
April 2001
March 2001
February 2001
January 2001

National Historically Black Colleges and Universities Week, 2001
Proclamation Archives

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