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Today at the White House Oct. 11, 2001

President Unveils "Most Wanted" Terrorists
"These 22 individuals do not account for all the terrorist activity in the world, but they're among the most dangerous: the leaders and key supporters, the planners and strategists. They must be found; they will be stopped; and they will be punished."  full story en Español
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NATO Chief Stresses International Resolve
NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson: "These terrorists are not 10 feet tall, they are not insuperable. They're not unvanquishable. But we are, and we can win, and we certainly will win. And I'm very, very proud that NATO and the 19 nations of the Alliance are at the heart of a global coalition against the most evil criminals of our age."  full story

New Counter-Terrorism and CyberSpace Security Positions Announced
Dr. Rice: "We will make sure that what we are doing abroad to protect and defend American national security is closely coordinated and matched with what we are doing to protect the security of Americans at home. Today, it is an honor for both Tom Ridge and me to announce the creation of two additional posts, stemming from this reorganization of the government."  full story
Fact SheetFact Sheet on New Counter-Terrorism and CyberSpace Positions

 More White House News

  White House photo by Eric Draper. President George W. Bush looks over the newly created list of Most Wanted Terrorists with FBI Director Rober Mueller at the agency's headquarters Oct. 10.

Inside the White House
America Responds to Terrorism
The war on terrorism is being fought on diplomatic, military, financial and law enforcement fronts. Learn more about recent results of this multi-faceted operation.
  Link to American Attack Response Page

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