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Jeremy Blake

Robert Brustein on Theater:
Celebrity Classics

The star-studded Seagull is, well, stellar.

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In Books & the Arts

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Why conservatives support racial profiling.

In one corner: fighting for the right to spend the surplus.

In the other: defending the "lockbox."

Florida makes sure good parents can't adopt.

Why only David Mamet could do justice to the way Democrats have been acting lately.

Leaving Durban is the first bright spot in Dubya's otherwise atrocious foreign policy.

Is there a medicare surplus?

How the Third World plays its own version of the race card.

Alan Greenspan could rescue us, but won't.





Stanley Kauffmann on Films: Swedish hippies and an Iranian in love.
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 bullet The Passing of the Past
 bullet "Nessun Dorma"
 bullet Second Thoughts
 bullet The Other Bergman
 bullet Tipping the Scales
 bullet Polishing a Gem
 bullet One Plus One Equals Zero
 bullet High Places and Low
 bullet Plottings, Real and Otherwise
 bullet Frustrations
 bullet Films Worth Seeing

Classic Reviews: Theatre Life
Harold Clurman on why all the talent in the world will get an actor nowhere if he's in the wrong environment. (1949)

bullet Stanley Kauffmann's 1968 pan of the movie The Producers.

bullet Part Two of Otis Ferguson's classic attack on Citizen Kane (1941)

bullet Edmund Wilson on what makes the Stravinsky a different sort of master.

bullet Otis Ferguson asks, so what if Orson Welles is a genius?

bullet TNR Online's complete Classic Reviews collection

Robert Brustein on Theater:
Celebrity Classics
The star-studded Seagull is, well, stellar.

bullet Contempt for Acting: Robert Brustein explores the fall of Brando.

bullet Philip Glass's In the Penal Colony harrows you with fear and wonder.

bullet Underneath the sequins and the swastikas, The Producers is a good old-fashioned musical comedy.

bullet Saved showed that shock isn't dead.

bullet Robert Edward Albee's latest offering alternates between brilliance and fraudulence.

bullet Robert Brustein surveys the theater scene in South Africa.

bullet Robert Wilson dreams A Dream Play with spectacular results.

bullet Susan Sontag's Alice in Bed and Requiem for Srebrenica.

Jed Perl on Art: Studies of Picasso as sexual provocateur and as proverbial creator.

bullet Blake and Bonnard reinvigorated easel painting by rejecting it.
bullet Shouldn't a work of art be experienced and understood?
bullet Farewell to Balthus, the great twentieth-century enigma.
bullet Edouard Manet's careless genius.
bullet New York and its artists, the two way street that never sleeps.

Madame Tussaud's for the dot-com generation.

bullet The revolutionary subtleties of Japanese calligraphy.

Jed Perl's Art Notes
William Kentridge is a socially aware South African artist of the old school.

bullet Sebastião Salgado
bullet Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
bullet Fairfield Porter
bullet Frank Gehry
bullet Andreas Gursky
bullet Johannes Vermeer
bullet Paul McCarthy

Franz Ackermann

bullet Gary Stephan
bullet Shirley Kaneda
bullet Edward Thorp
bullet Andrew Forge
bullet Art Notes Archive

Martin Filler on Architecture: Mies and the Mastodon
One of the titans of modern architecture

bullet A generation of upstarts challenge the modern architectural establishment

bullet The disaster in progress at Columbus Circle

bullet Tate Museum and the crisis of modernism

Mindy Aloff on Dance: Spitballs at Euclid
Twyla Tharp's energetic pursuit of classicism

 bullet The Troublemaker
 bullet Arias
 bullet The rebirth of "Appalachian Spring"

The Best of Hear Them Right: Otis Ferguson on Jazz

The Spirit of Jazz: The triumph of Benny Goodman and his taboo-shattering trio.

Louis Armstrong and "Shine": Rage and loveliness in the voice of Armstrong.

Young Man With a Horn: The classic profile of the doomed genius, Bix Beiderbecke.

John Hammond: Ferguson's not-so-friendly advice for the critic and impressario.

More on Otis Ferguson...

The Gospel of Relaxation: Louis Menand's take on 19th-century thought.

Pauline Kael Redux: In a 1967 TNR essay, she asked, "Who the hell goes to movies for mature, adult, sober art anyway?"

Nevermind: According to Alex Abramovich, we've forgotten what the tradition of true political rock--when there was such a thing--was all about.

Decorum: Adam Kirsch on a modern poet who uses discipline to bring chaos to life.

The Sixties Go to War: Paul Berman on the passion of Joschka Fischer, and how the pacifists of '68 came to wage the "liberals' war."

Holy Realists: Alan Wolfe's guide to speaking in tongues.

The Professor of Complacence: Simon Blackburn asks, Should we do away with Truth, Reason, and Knowledge?

Stanley Kauffmann on Films: An Italian opera in Beijing; a revolutionary heart.

Jed Perl on Art: Pornography, communism, and Picasso's elusive identity.

The First Picture Show: Brian Frye on the myth of the early American film avant-garde.

Directors for Hire: BMW buys A-list film-makers; Are art and commerce the same?

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