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Idiocy Watch #2

Only at TNR Online | Post date 10.05.01    

[Ed. note: The Idiocy Watch is our ongoing attempt to keep up with the dumbest, most outrageous comments made about the terrorist attacks on America and our response. This is the second installment and we are confident that it won't be the last. To read the first installment, click here. To submit idiotic comments for consideration, e-mail us at Be sure to include your name and city if you want credit.]

"Patriotism threatens free speech with death. It is infuriated by thoughtful hesitation, constructive criticism of our leaders and pleas for peace. It despises people of foreign birth. It has specifically blamed homosexuals, feminists and the American Civil Liberties Union. In other words, the American flag stands for intimidation, censorship, violence, bigotry, sexism, homophobia and shoving the Constitution through a paper shredder. Whom are we calling terrorists here?"--Barbara Kingsolver, novelist, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, September 27. (Thanks to Holly Watson of Houston, Texas.)

"U.S. foreign policy is soaked in blood. And other countries of the West--including, shamefully, Canada--cannot line up fast enough behind it. But the people, the American nation that Bush is invoking, is a people which is bloodthirsty, vengeful and calling for blood. They don't care whose blood it is, they want blood.... There will be no emancipation for women anywhere on this planet until the Western domination of this planet is ended."--Sunera Thobani, professor at the University of British Columbia, speaking at a feminist conference in Ottawa, October 1. (As reported by the National Post; thanks to Jean-Philippe Boulet of Quebec City, Canada, and many others.)

"But who is Osama bin Laden really? Let me rephrase that. What is Osama bin Laden? He's America's family secret. He is the American president's dark doppelgänger. The savage twin of all that purports to be beautiful and civilised. He has been sculpted from the spare rib of a world laid to waste by America's foreign policy... Its marauding multinationals who are taking over the air we breathe, the ground we stand on, the water we drink, the thoughts we think. Now that the family secret has been spilled, the twins are blurring into one another and gradually becoming interchangeable."--Arundhati Roy, The Guardian, September 29. (Thanks to Alexander Wardell and many others.)

"Why has this happened? Why has a nation which has enjoyed the blessings of God for over two hundred years suddenly experienced such a catastrophe? We've shaken our fists in God's face for far too long. We have ignored His laws, belittled His son, taken His name in vain until it's almost a national slang word. We have allowed radical groups like the A.C.L.U. to all but remove the name and reverence for God from American society. We have murdered untold millions of unborn children and tolerated an immoral president in the name of a good economy. We have proclaimed that homosexuality is just another lifestyle when the Bible clearly states that it is an abomination to God. We have encouraged illegitimate birth, and condoned living together out of wedlock, practiced racial prejudice and child molestation, followed new age religions and harebrained spiritual leaders. Some of our music is fit for nothing but a garbage can.... We can no longer travel this road people. This road leads to hell.--Charlie Daniels, band leader, (Thanks to Kevin Bowman of Dayton, Ohio.)

"Terrorism is the political argument of last resort rather than, necessarily, an assault on freedom and democracy. Terrorism was our weapon in Europe during the Second World War when Resistance fighters wrecked the trains and convoys of the Germans without counting the cost in local villagers shot against the nearest wall--the end justified the means, we argued then and now, cherishing these deeds as acts of heroism."--Brian Sewell, The Evening Standard, September 25 (Thanks to Martin Kannengieser, London, England.)

[Bonus Cowardice Watch material from Brian Sewell: "Shall we risk...a third world war, or shall we take the twin towers of New York as the measure of how far Bin Laden is prepared to go in defence of the Islamic fundamentalism that is his chosen way of life, threatened by America's decadence, and talk to him? If all he wants is the withdrawal from the Muslim world of all that is represented by McDonald's and bathetic missionaries, this is a small thing to concede--better this than a catastrophe in the Channel Tunnel, a Channel ferry blown to smithereens, a new Guy Fawkes in Westminster or a Boeing on Buck House."]

"Now [African Americans] are supposed to fight and die for a racist corrupt government in yet another imperialist war, when it is the U.S. which has clearly brought on this attack. We are supposed to fight for a country where we still have limited social, economic and political rights, and where we are still subject to death by any racist cop or citizen, where there is widespread poverty, mass imprisonment of the youth, and massive unemployment concentrated in the Black community. The obvious question is what the hell are we fighting for? To avenge America? To mourn America? Why, we don't owe this country anything.... [W]e have to look out for our interests, not the Pentagon's or Wall Street's. We regret the thousands of deaths of people who died in the process at the WTC, but we know it is Washington's fault this happened. We also know that if this happened in the Middle East, carried out by Israel or the US Army, hardly anybody in this country would say anything."--Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, CounterPunch, October 3. (Thanks to Jeff Vaca of Sacramento, California, and many other readers.)

"It dishonors [the dead] and their families to so callously crank up the greed machine within days of this tragedy. Their bodies--thousands of them--are still buried under the rubble down the street, but, hey, why wait to give them a proper burial--let's get busy making some money! I can only hope that the stench from the rotting corpses of their former employees will haunt them for the rest of the day and remain in their consciences for the days to come."--Michael Moore,, September 17. (Thanks to Daniel Hart of Washington, DC.)

"[T]hose two aircraft…had gone straight into those towers with such force that even at the mid point of the building, or in that case two-thirds up, something had happened that so totally weakened the infrastructure, that this was like peeling a banana, except that it was full of people or had many, many people in it. I think we have Senator John McCain on the phone from Washington."--Peter Jennings, ABC News, September 11 (Thanks to Day Brock of Dallas, Texas.)

"America could use a new elder statesman commentator with a sense of history. Move over Henry Kissinger, here's someone we can actually understand."--Howard Mortman, giving a "thumbs-up" to Newt Gingrich,, October 3.

"That was a very sweet moment, the two President Bushes, father and son, are very sensitive about the relationship and all of that. And when he grabs his hand and squeezes it, that was lovely, wasn't it?"--CNN anchor Aaron Brown, interviewing White House correspondent John King after the memorial service at the National Cathedral, September 14. (Thanks to Howard Mortman.)

"As many people evacuate Manhattan throughout the day in the wake of the World Trade Center explosions, PETA is begging New Yorkers to ensure that their companion animals are safe."--People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals news release, September 11. (Thanks to Brandon Smith of Hoboken, New Jersey.)

Idiocy Watch #7: When Darwinists attack.
Idiocy Watch #6: The Duke & David Duke return.
Idiocy Watch #5: A British invasion.
Idiocy Watch #4: Starring Richard Gere.
Idiocy Watch #3: With our thanks to The Village Voice.
Idiocy Watch #2: Charlie Daniels, more Michael Moore, and more.
Idiocy Watch #1: News flash: Reuters does something dumb.


Got a dumb or outrageous comment to submit? Send it to Idiocy Watch at







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