Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     LA AUTO SHOW--slightly off topic/kilter
From: (michael (mea culpa))
Posted:      January 10, 2002 at 11:54:04
Went to the show yesterday. There's a funny Merrill Markoe piece in the Weekly about the show. Food--forget it. It's just what you'd see at a sporting event at about the same prices. So, don't go hungry. You'd be better served gorging at the Pantry before hitting the show. That said, there are amusing things to be seen. It is amazing as Markoe points out to see how the manufacturers pander to punk and rap sensibilities in promoting some of their urban assault vehicles. Still, you can stand back from it and smirk. Plastic cars. The Mini Cooper in various guises (compare those seen here with the one being pushed down the road in the current Ikea ad). Some good freebies, e.g., the recurring plastic Beetle made from recycled lens covers, various CDs, etc.
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