Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Second chances?
Name:        Schudog
Posted:      August 17, 2001 at 03:59:45
Ok questions for this board. Would you give a restaurant a second chance if: (my answers follow)
the food was good but the service was terrible?
Yes anybody can have a bad night even servers. Though if service is really bad I'll talk to the manager and either move to another table or get another server.

the food was good but the prices were too high?
No I wouldn't. I like valve when I dine out. I'm sure I could find another place that has comparable food with better prices.
Most famous person to you saw at a restaurant while you were there.
Magic Johnson at the Black Whale this must have been in 88 or 89.
Yeah I know that question isn't on topic for this board but come on have some fun. Right? :)


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