Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     restaurant recs around $15?
Name:        Cheesey
Posted:      October 19, 2001 at 04:03:33

I'm trying to get together for dinner with a group and it seems like with a large group, there's going to be picky people and therefore, lots of restrictions. So here's what they are looking for something in the $10-$15 a person range. Nothing "Latin" (I guess that means nothing Mexican, Central American, or South American, or even Spanish), nothing Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.), and nothing Cajun. *sigh* all my favorite cuisines... Well, even though I love to eat everything and anything, not everyone else does.
I think this would be a good excercise for you well knowledged Hounds out there! Anything in Los Angeles county should fine. Thanks for any advice, folks!
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