Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Saito rave  (longish, rambling...)
From: (Rich Gould-Saltman)
Posted:      January 05, 2002 at 03:29:23
JUst went back to Saito's last night. Whoo!

By way of intro,I've lived in this neighborhood twelve years; the only time I'd been there before was to meet the junior hound (then 9) and his friend,and friend's mom, for what a pair of 9 yr. olds might reasonably be expected to be eating: tuna roll. I was in a hurry, we weren't sitting at the sushi bar, and those who've been there know that the decor, and in particular the locale, doesn't make the sale.
Last night, based on Chow-List reviews, I went back with spouse, and no kid, in tow. The best sushi I've ever had. The best sushi she's ever had. Only sushi I had that came close was the old Hillhurt Katsu, and now I think that mighta been Saito as well (also at the old Katsu, if you weren't wearing all black, you felt there was a risk of being thrown out 'cause you clashed with the decor...)
We let him make suggestions, expressed a cuople of preferences, and at the risk of sounding a little too reverent, it was damn near art.
Only problem is now I feel like a dope for not figuring this out sooner.....

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