Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Re(1): restaurants near the Hyatt Regency+Staples Center
Name:        Mr Grub
Posted:      January 04, 2002 at 14:52:58
In Reply To: restaurants near the Hyatt Regency+Staples Center
             Posted by The Thacherite on January 03, 2002 at 19:55:28
A couple of basics would've been helpful re: Mom's adventureness quotient & willingness to walk.
Solid choices within walking distance (3 blocks or so) of Hyatt:
Ciao Trattoria (7th/Fig) for simple Italian
Pasta Primavera (7th/Grand) for simpler (& cheaper)Italian
Bella Cucina (Olympic/Fig--4 long blocks) for hip, but simple Italian
Engine Co 28 (Fig/Wilshire) for somewhat overpriced comfort food
Original Pantry -- per prior post, for a hoot & a half breakfast
More adventurous choices within walking distance:
Clifton's Brookside Cafeteria (Bway/nr 7th) for an intriguing time-warped breakfast
Sunnin (Bway/nr 6th) for best Lebanese food this side of Beirut in tiny, tiny storefront.
Gill's (in Stillwell Hotel, Grand/nr 8th) for mediocre lunch buffet or decent Indian dinner in bizarre location
Any potluck Mexican joint on or about Bway for, ah, potluck Mexican food.
For Chinese or Japanese or other choices, one word: Dash. For a quarter, the B Dash shuttle takes you from Macy's Plaza to Chinatown; the A Dash from 7th & Flower or 7th & Fig to Little Tokyo; and other Dashes take you almost anywhere you wish to go (including Staples Center & most of the better dining choices) in downtown. Skeds are available at the Visitor's Center on Fig just north of 7th or on the Dash buses. Most run every 6 mins or so.

Strongly suggest using search engine on Chowhound Home Page to track down prior, recent threads on dining downtown. Ciao chow.
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