Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     CT's thoughts on Truffles, too!
From: (Carolyn Tillie)
Posted:      June 22, 2001 at 23:06:16
In Reply To: Re(2): foie gras obsession
             Posted by Monique L. on June 22, 2001 at 21:34:30
Right now, Pinot Bistro in downtown on 5th and Flower has a Summer Truffle Risotto on their menu that is definitely worth the trip. They are part of the Patina group but I believe it is Pinot's chef's concoction so I don't think you'll see it at the other Pinots...
I know Surfas well -- in the "religion" it is LA's Mecca for supplies.
There are numerous things you can do on the truffle front (although it IS a bit more difficult since they really aren't available fresh until December). Trader Joe's has truffle oil. DO NOT buy it. It is incredibly dull. The absolute best is called "Gocce di Tartufo Biano" which is a white truffle oil that is splendid on fresh tossed pasta. Also, look for tubes of truffle paste -- I serve it to friends on Sunday mornings in scrambled eggs with fresh sauteed mushrooms and grated cheese. The other amazing product on the market is White Truffle Honey, bottled for Lulu's restaurant in San Francisco (look for a yellow label). I serve it drizzled over gorgonzola with crusts of baguette. Lastly, Dean and Deluca sells truffle powder. At $40 a can, I haven't gotten around to trying it, being pretty happy with the oil and tube method.
My last comment on truffles was that I asked my boyfriend for a fresh white one for last year's Christmas (the year after the foie gras...). We found out that they were running over $200 an ounce. He jokingly suggested I take up cocaine -- its a cheaper obsession! He DID buy me a pretty coffee-table style cookbook called "The Joy of Truffles" by Otward Buchner which is usually mistakingly put in the dessert section. Unfortunately, it is really written towards those lucky folk that can get the fresh ones.
Being fully initiated in the Secret Society of The Holy Trinity, I am free to tell all the secrets I know... I'm here for you if you want to know anything else.
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