Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Chameli (Rosemead, CA) reopen date?
From: (Ravi Narasimhan)
Posted:      December 23, 2001 at 20:17:56
Looking for information on Chameli (vegetarian North Indian food. The restaurant closed for remodeling in the summer with an anticipated October 2001 reopen date. I call periodically and get an answering machine message that pushed the reopen to November and now November/December 2001. I've occasionally left messages requesting an update but have not received any yet. I used to go fairly regularly and miss the food tremendously. Does anyone know if they have plans to reopen or if they're closed for good?
The departure of Dasaprakash for greener pastures up north and the remodel of Chameli has made life difficult.
--- Ravi Narasimhan
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