Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Golden Dome/Can-Coon Thai
From: (Erin)
Posted:      December 04, 2001 at 17:33:53
Just came back from a long awaited trek to Golden Dome in Bellflower --and he's gone! Does anyone know if they had plans to relocate? I suspect they may have gone out of business(maybe it was those 99cent falafel Saturdays), but it seemed that mainly it was the area that was impeding on business....
However, after driving out that way, and not knowing of anything else in that imediate area(I was pressed for time), I ran into a thai place just a few blocks west of what was the Golden Dome(sniff, sniff). They had advertized lunch combos at 3.99, which were much of the usual. I opted for one of the specials of the day, eggplant salad, which turned out to be surprisingly good. I don't know what I expected it to be, but it turned out great. It was a hot dish of grilled eggplant (not as much as you'd think w/ the name) served with dried shimp, cooked butterflied shrimp, raw red
onions, cilantro, and ground meat(pork?)with an interesting mix of spices and lime juice(?) w/chili sauce on the side. Mmmm, I think I need to break out the leftovers. With some white rice, it was consoling.
BTW does anyone know of a good falafel in the Long Beach/South Bay area? Please don't mention Open Sesame
on 2nd (unless they've changed), when they first opened I attempted their falafels 3x, which were more like flavorless hockey pucks, before giving up and sticking with their chicken schwarma w/garlic sauce.
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