Chowhound's Los Angeles Area Message Board

Subject:     Re(1): How much do you tip?
Name:        Lisa Bee
Posted:      June 11, 2001 at 15:55:54
In Reply To: How much do you tip?
             Posted by Muhlyssa on June 09, 2001 at 18:05:32
My boyfriend is an adamant 15%er, but as a former waitress my standard - and empathy - is closer to 20%.
Here's another question - when ordering a semi-expensive bottle of wine, do you include that in the % you're tipping? Say your meal is $50 and you buy a $100 bottle (or more)...if service was fine would you tip 15% or 20% on that $150? Or on less?
I rarely drink wine that lives in that price range (sniff, sniff) but this situation arose recently and I wasn't sure of the proper protocol.
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