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Abbe Normal

JohnAbbe's public personal WebLog -- practices, politics, philosophy; wikis, weblogs and whatever else i write. (e-mail me if you don't want to respond publicly here)

fozbaca Flutterby Enemy of State just like that Mary Ann .:.;. dp40

Perl For Cocoa

    Apple has software that makes it possible to write Cocoa applications in Perl. Here's the petition asking them to make it available.
    Posted Tue Oct 30 14:26:23 2001
The Ugly The Interesting And The Funny
    In #CarnivoreArtAndSwitcheroo, i mentioned that some of the laws chomping at our civil liberties have "sunset" provisions requiring that Congress reconsider them in 2005. Wired (by way of ScriptingNews) points out that "some" is actually "very few." :-P

    I just finished setting up three identical wikis for an experiment/project my friend Tom Atlee is running. He's semi-randomly dividing those interested into three groups of people to talk creatively about 911 and real and potential responses on one of the wikis. After a week or so they'll get to start interacting across the three wikis for a few more weeks. If the software is ready, then we'll probably merge them. Stay tuned...

    Republicans won't like it, but The Onion has a great piece collaging quotes and history to point out the similarities between George W. and Osama bL. Chill out, elephants, it could've been done to many Democrats as well.
    Posted Sun Oct 28 22:42:26 2001

Overcoming Censorship
    Time to start pointing to the things that are being censored, like the honest and funny comic strip Boondocks, recently dropped from a number of newspapers for daring to express an opinion in line with the tens of millions (at least) of Americans who do not support this war.

    The October 18 strip, and several before and since, are explicitly about the censorship.

    Please, add your favorite censorship victims.
    Posted Sat Oct 27 13:30:40 2001

Carnivore Art And Switcheroo
    Among other expansions of government snooping abilities, new American legislation is making it easier for the FBI to use its Carnivore system to spy on your network usage (e.g., without getting a warrant). At least some of these laws are getting "sunset" provisions that would require that Congress reconsider them in a few years (let's all mark our calendars and make sure they get dumped then). See

    Riffing off of that, some artist/programmers have put together their own Carnivore system and are generating artwork from it, visual and audio so far.

    Don't know how i missed it before, but Switcheroo is a great Palm hack for switching among programs. You associate any program with any letter, then whenever you do the special Switcheroo stroke followed by that letter you switch to that program. And it's FreeOpenSource?.
    Posted Fri Oct 26 16:13:33 2001

Microsoft Arrogance Grows
    As others have noted (e.g. Flutterby), Microsoft has blocked access to for most non-Microsoft browsers. I was able to test OmniWeb?, Mozilla, Opera, iCab, lynx and links. Only OmniWeb? works, the rest give a message showing how to download Microsoft Internet Explorer.

    That's okay, i did not want to go to today anyway.
    Posted Fri Oct 26 12:53:23 2001

World Keeps Happening
    The Will To Freedom, the first inside book on the LiberationTigersOfTamilEelam?, has been published.

    Mozilla Bug Week is your chance to learn more about, and contribute to, this important project, the most-complete FreeOpenSource? web browser. Starting Saturday, Mozilla developers will be available to chat live, doing show and tell on how to post bugs you notice, and patches to fix them.

    I've updated GettingOsxGoing again.
    Posted Thu Oct 25 15:01:04 2001

The Need To UnderstandMore On Wikis And WeblogsTop Five Lies About This War
    Got a great summary of some of the under-covered aspects of the hijack attacks and responses, through Kenoli, originally from a student group in Pittsburgh. The list, and discussion, is available through Google Groups: Top Five Lies About This War (did you know that oil is an issue?).

    Much of the discussion thread criticizes the authors for not suggesting alternatives to the current response. Well, first, the list doesn't say to stop the war (although the authors probably do oppose it). Second, it's a useful pointer to issues of import in the region that is being bombed. Even if one supports a military response, it's everyone's responsibility to hold their own governments accountable, to eliminate or at least minimize their use of the situation to further interests that have nothing to do with terrorism.

    As far as nonviolent alternatives, it's the hardest case possible: "Hey, we've been doing militaristic stuff in this region for ages, and they finally enacted a huge violence in our homeland (before they had mostly only attacked us overseas). How do we make them stop through peaceful means, right now?" Switching to nonviolence in the middle of a war is a tall order. Nonviolence means being willing to die, but not kill, to achieve our aims. When a situation has gotten this bad, it might require that many die (as in the Indian struggle for independence, and to a lesser extent blacks' struggles for civil rights in America). Apparently those bombing Afghanistan are willing to kill, but not die. Social evolution is slow.

    Militaristic governments can change their ways in the region, and attitudes will eventually shift. But it will take a while for the anger to subside enough that violence is not supported by enough people to lead to action.
    Posted Mon Oct 22 14:28:44 2001

Listening And Old Friend
    Well the Sri Lankan activist group meeting was good. A couple weeks ago there were some interactions over e-mail that had led to some hurt and such, and we spent the first while really listening to the people involved. That seemed to go well: when i saw people hearing the humanity in one another, i had more hope for the group, which is important to me because i think it can contribute to us finding more creative ways to all live decently on the same planet. We also worked on a letter to send to Mr. Bush, giving our perspective on suicide attackers.

    JohnChamberlin? asks, "What was your collective perspective on the suicide attackers and appropriate government responses? I feel both abhorrence and admiration for those who are willing to forgo life for the betterment of their children."

    Hi John! We're still working on the letter, but we will release something when it's ready (like a fine wine). Regarding a&a, i have similar feelings in my reactions, perhaps muted. I am in awe of bravery, which comes in many forms. For murder i feel compassion, for all involved. (RantRemoved)

    Afterward i had lunch with Bryant; he's interested in mucking with XmlRpc? and WebLog capability on UseModWiki. Cool! It was also great to talk to an old friend -- we've both been living on the west coast for years, but rarely get together.

    [note: anyone can comment on any entry here like JohnChamberlin? did. Just click on the title of any entry, then click on the "EditText" link at the bottom of the page, add your comment and click Save.]
    Posted Sat Oct 20 16:55:20 2001

Lanka Elections South Asia And War
    There's another Sri Lankan activist meeting tomorrow, and a (not directly connected) party that night. By most definitions, i'm not Sri Lankan, but as one friend said, i'm as Sri Lankan as i think i am.

    TamilNet reports that the opposition Tamil parties -- TULF, TELO, ACTC, and EPRLF (Suresh) -- will ally in SriLanka?'s upcoming elections. I'll take all the coming-together i can get.

    There's anthrax scares going on in both the Australian and United States embassies in SriLanka?.

    South Asian Journalists Association 9/11 links -- for a different perspective.

    Doug reviews No Man's Land, "an anti-war satire about men on opposite sides who are trapped in a trench halfway between"


    Add your comments here:
    Posted Fri Oct 19 14:35:33 2001

What Civil Liberties
    Okay, now i'm worried:

    "This time, they took my Harry Potter book and about four people studied it for 20 minutes," Godfrey says.
    Godfrey is not allowed on his flight. Twice. The quote is from an article at Discussion at Slashdot will have it soon no doubt, it's screaming up the chart at the DayPop top 40.

    Well, it's not Slashdot, but Time magazine is soliciting your questions for Osama bin Laden. Thanks to Tom Atlee, who should really blog rather than e-mail.
    Posted Fri Oct 19 09:21:49 2001

Mac Geeking
    MacOsx: I see it as the perfect OS for transitioning people attached to proprietary software to free/open source: run proprietary Mac apps, and gradually wean over to X Window apps as they become good enough. Then switch to KDE or Gnome, whomever's "won" my vote by then.

    My friend Kenoli and i got his OS X up and running. He was very frustrated that about half of his external hardware doesn't work -- lack of drivers. But the glass was half full, and he seemed to like the new system, especially that even if one program was going slow, you could switch to something else and everything would be reasonably fast. We had a yummy meal afterwards that some of his housemates (cool group house) cooked up.

    We put OS X on a 40G drive, unpartitioned, mostly full. I hope that doesn't lead to horrible problems, but he didn't seem eager to back it all up and reformat -- can't blame him. I told him to defragment the disk; that should help.

    There was no need to deal with the command line -- and i realized it might be weeks or months before he has a problem where it will help. Not sure if i'm happy about that or not. It's good that the GUI covers that many bases, but i just hope there are some visible fruits for the merger with Unix. I know there's a lot of great Unix software that's slowly becoming available. I try to track some of it at my GettingOsxGoing website.

    I mean we've only been waiting, what, ten+ years now for Mac on Unix? (since Next proved it could be done) And then in the same year Apple finally gets a real command line, and Microsoft gets rid of theirs -- WindowsXp? is the first consumer OS from Microsoft that has no DOS layer. Yeah, i read In the Beginning Was The Command Line too.
    Posted Fri Oct 19 09:15:33 2001

The Fall Is Always Prettier On The Other Side Of The Continent
    Here's a nice shot of northeast foliage. I'm from Massachusetts originally, and although i love the mild climate here in the San Francisco Bay Area, i stereotypically miss the seasons -- foliage, thunderstorms, snow.

    Shameluss plug for a friend's business, a great new restaurant computer system, should be affordable to places that couldn't do it before: dinerware

    After waaay too many hours weblogging yesterday, i'm off to help my friend Kenoli get MacOsx installed...
    Posted Thu Oct 18 14:18:03 2001

Let There Be Many Wiki WeblogsWeblog Users Morning
    Here's an interesting search this morning, "Weblogger user group" at DayPop. Nothing about the user group is in the Top 40 as of this writing, so click on that link a lot!

    Found me the UK Bloggers eventually. They've been getting together in London, so i guess we're not the first user group. (their mailing list)
    Posted Wed Oct 17 07:40:15 2001

User Group Report
    Here's my full report on the first BayAreaWeblogUsersGroup (or whatever we'll call it) meeting. There were several dozen people there. We'll meet again, on the peninsula or in San Francisco (my vote's SF). Third Tuesday next month is November 17. Anyone interested in an East Bay get-together before then?

    We spent some time dithering --what to decide first -- name or purpose? Probably a question as old as people and names. We're interested in the community stuff, the writing stuff, and the technical stuff, anyone interested in weblogs, and no rush on questions like SpecialInterestGroups? or joining an umbrella organization as they come up.

    There is now a there there, but of course we all have our hands on very different parts of a new elephant.

    I ended up talking about wiki a fair bit, but only mentioned EmacsWiki to Dan, who gave me a ride home (thanks again!).

    Several people were interested in PalmWiki so i beamed it to them. What you didn't get was a Drag&Drop module which automagically puts brackets around things (brackets around things also makes links in your Memo Pad, for those who don't like WikiNames). Actually, PalmWiki works everywhere in the PalmOs?, not just in the Memo Pad. Check out the PalmWiki page for all the scoop--and add anything there you want.

    One guy joined us when he ran into some of the group on the street (on the way to a bar after the, well, mostly-boring-but-necessary logistical details for future activities). He didn't have a weblog, but apparently read them extensively. Ooh, are we mainstream yet?

    Actually, among the logistical details we also talked for awhile about what we wanted out of this group. From my small group and in general:

    • meet particular people, or just other webloggers in general, face to face
    • how to keep people coming to our sites
    • getting conversation going on weblogs
    • better technology for conversation among weblogs
    • technology for owning your own content across sites
    • on-line community
    • better tools, that don't get in the way, or require reading newbie
    • getting more people from underrepresented groups (around the world and in the U.S.) onto weblogs
    • more/better journalism-weblog connections
    • more user-feedback, communication in weblogs

    We're sending names to Robert Scoble for a survey that we'll then vote in. I heard mentioned (there were more):
    • Bay Area Weblog Users Group (WUG, BAWUG)
    • Bay Area Webloggers Group (BAWG)
    • Bay Area Weblog Interest Group (WIG, BAWIG)
    • Bay Area Blog Users Group (BUG, BABUG)
    • All Your Weblogs R Belong To Us!

    Well, i added that last one without suggesting it out loud, but i'll pass it on to Robert.

    Posted Wed Oct 17 02:19:58 2001
In Between
    Well, it's after today, but before tomorrow.

    Cool, i got my first real external mention, noted as a wiki-weblog by, who also points to an interesting 911 article (there, it came up, i won't mention it again. today).

    The webloggers meeting was great (see #UserGroupReport). Met a bunch of inter est ing peo ple, and by surprise a friend -- Raines Cohen -- who doesn't weblog but i guess wouldn't be caught dead missing any new Bay Area user's group meeting.

    Is weblog useable as a verb? For how many of us does using "blog" as a generic term rub funny, given the existence of the brand name Blogger? Time to run the first AbbeNormalSurvey i guess.

    I did a lot of walking today, and obviously haven't walked enough recently, my feet were totally cramped up by the end. Needed to tighten my BirkenStocks? a little too i guess.
    Posted Wed Oct 17 00:52:54 2001

Webloggers Unite
    We have nothing to lose but our incompatibilities! Maybe we can help the Wikiers lose some of their incompatibilities :-). Anyway, i'm heading to the BayAreaWeblogUsersGroup...

    Reading my mail on BART i learned the dinner i was headed for was RSVP. Late anyway, i decided to forget the dinner and take it easy -- had a burrito and wandered downtown SanFrancisco?, looking for net access, 'cause i neglected to note the meeting location (i thought i'd tag along with others after dinner). So i'm here at the Microsoft store. Thanks, Microsoft.

    Well, i made it to the pre-meeting dinner after all, had some beer and avoided the olive-laden pizzas that had already been ordered. As i write this (and some of the report in the next entry), i'm at the cafe, Robert Scoble is trying to get our attention.
    Posted Tue Oct 16 15:26:06 2001

Todays Masala
    Sri Lanka is headed for parliamentary elections again, in December. The President dissolved parliament after more than a few members of the ruling People's Alliance crossed over to the opposition, days before a no-confidence motion was to be taken up. Read LankaPage and TamilNet to keep up on it, and my LankaLinks for more background. I'll be there in March. No one can tell me it's safer here any more :-). It's interesting, the U.S. has consistently been urging the government there to negotiate with the sometimes-terrorist LTTE rebels (the U.S. has also armed and trained the sometimes-terrorist Sri Lankan government).

    The Recording Industry Association of America has gotten weirder (they want to sneak language into anti-terrorist bills that will make it okay for them to delete the MP3s on your hard disk).

    I've upgraded (finally) to OS X 10.1, and as everyone says, it's performance is now quite acceptable, if not quite as snappy as OS 9. The UNIX layer, for me, makes it all worth it. Oh yeah, i keep a one-page list of many resources on OS X,

    StevePike alerted me to how easy it is to add macros to PikiePikie in the pikie.cgi file. I've added documentation about it over at Pikie:AddingDisplayMacros (PikiePikie is the software that runs this wiki-weblog).

    Just to completely geek out the new HandSpring Treo is out, you can drool over it at their web site.
    Posted Mon Oct 15 15:18:52 2001

Department Of Peace
    I was searching for "Department of Peace" on DayPop and found this interview with Riane Eisler talking about the recent attacks in America, and responses to it. In the end, not many concrete proposals, a common frustration i'm having with the 'peace' position. But she's not a simple peacenik, she surprised me.

    The U.S. bill to create the Department of Peace was co-sponsored in the House of Representatives by 38 representatives. Nice sentiment at the very least. The bill establishes Peace Day, a cabinet level agency, coordinates existing and new government peace work (including nonviolent responses to domestic violence and crime in general!), expands study of nonviolent practices, creates an academy training people to go out and resolve disputes peacefully, etc., it's really quite broad. For the bill text search for "HR 2459" in the Bill Number search at Thomas for the 107th Congress (Thomas is the Congressional search engine).

    The sponsor, Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, has a Department of Peace page with more information and ways to help, and i'm looking for any outside non-profits that are actively supporting it...

    Something like It was apparently proposed as early as th 1930s. The PeacePilgrim called for it, and Another Mother for Peace in the late 60s early 70s. Besides at least 39 congress folk, today it is supported by the Natural Law party.

    Who knows if the government can be a positive force in nonviolence? It can't hurt too much to try. A few more articles about the bill.

    Also see NonviolenceResources.

    (copied to DepartmentOfPeace)
    Posted Fri Oct 12 17:52:08 2001

Sidebars R Us
    In case you hadn't noticed, i now have a sidebar due to my upgrading PikiePikie to version 0.3. You too can use TableSyntax if you write anything here.
    Posted Tue Oct 9 17:14:52 2001
Keep The Web Safe For Programmers
    The World Wide Web Consortium, which determines standards for many web technologies (although of course they can't force anyone to use them :-), is for the first time considering adopting standards that include patents, which would require developers to pay royalties to patent-holders.

    Whether you know it or not, much of the software you use when you are using the Internet was developed by individual programmers working on their own, who might not have been able to do their work if they'd had to pay. There will be less of that development if patented standards became part of the core parts of the Internet.

    Anyway, here's the whole EFF alert on it, and my letter to (they're accepting comments until October 11):

    Dear W3Cers,

    Sorry i haven't written before. Thanks for the web. A lot.

    I hear you're thinking to start including standards that are under patent and require a licensing fee. Please don't do that. Much of the beauty and power of the World Wide Web and the Internet comes from how open they are. If they are to achieve their full potential (still well in the future i am sure), we must preserve that openness, and not bogging developers down in the time and expense of tracking patents, and paying royalties is part of that.

    Please instead use only standards that can be used on a royalty-free basis. Maybe a new, separate organization could be formed to work on royalty-based standards.

    Thanks for,


    Posted Mon Oct 8 14:38:15 2001
Anglo Military Response
    I think the Times of India got it right as one can in a headline: Bombs, aid rain on Afghanistan

    France will be joining soon. Yay for them. Not. I think.

    Feel free to contribute to my NonviolenceResources, and if for any reason you wish to, ContactYourRepresentatives.

    Arms are instruments of ill omen. ... When one is compelled to use them, it is best to do so without relish. There is no glory in victory, and to glorify it despite this is to exult in the killing of men. ... When great numbers of people are killed, one should weep over them with sorrow. When victorious in war, one should observe mourning rites. --LaoTzu? (ca. 500 B. C.)

    Posted Sun Oct 7 22:32:23 2001
Turn About
    Imagine an alternate reality where Europe never became ascendant over Islam. A world in which a number of mostly Islamic nations vied for world domination. By the end of the 20th century these powers have withdrawn from former colonies around the world, experienced a cold war, and a lone democratic, secular but culturally Islamic super-power is now dealing with a multilateral world, it's various entanglements abroad, refugee and immigrant minorities from it's former colonies and wars, etc.

    For historical and political reasons, as colonialism ends a small Islamic nation is carved out of the north Mediterranean coast, including half of Rome. Christians in local nations are outraged, but despite several wars achieve less than nothing in the face of massive support from the super-power. Many of their own leaders don't want war, as it could interfere with the flow of super-power money they receive for access to local resources.

    Many continue to support violence against the super-power. As frustration mounts, about this issue and historical and continued exploitation of the European Christian peoples in general, the tactics that come into use become more and more outrageous.

    And some people speculate, what might it be about Christian culture that leads to the willingness to do such outrageous things?
    Posted Sun Oct 7 19:06:52 2001

Tale Of Two T Shirts
    I drove down to the grand opening of the Palo Alto Apple Store yesterday. I could've gotten my OS X 10.1 upgrade closer to home, but i hadn't been to any Apple Stores yet. They were doing huge wall-screen demos of OS X, getting people ready for the shift from OS 9. T-shirts were handed out, with "Shop Different" on the back and a white Apple logo over a bar code. I thought this was funny, since the bar code to me is a symbol of genericness.

    I got home to another t-shirt, this from my family back East who had just been on a visit to the AbbeMuseum in Bar Harbor, Maine. Yup, that's a museum there named after an ancestor of mine. They were visiting an opening ceremony there as well (a re-opening in new location).

    I just happen to be getting rid of a lot of clothes, i think i'll keep the Abbe t-shirt, and if anyone wants the Apple one, let me know... :-)
    Posted Sun Oct 7 16:22:45 2001

This And That
    The BayAreaWeblogUsersGroup is getting started. Think i'll try for that first meeting and see how it is...

    I just saw an ad on TV for the American Association of Single People. My first thought was, how odd! And yet, it's so American, if you think of America as being individualistic. But they're actually about single people's "rights".

    I went to the computer store the other day and looked at the recordable CDs? for sale. About ninety percent of the shelf space was record-once CDs? (CD-R discs), and just a few were rewriteables (CD-RW discs). People, please buy CD-RW drives and discs instead! (as long as you don't have one of the old CD players that won't play music CD-RW discs.) No one will throw away old CD-RWs? because they can always be re-used (a good reason to label them clearly if they aren't already). If we buy them instead, the prices will come down. ...end environmental rant :-).

    If you're ready for some humor about the recent attacks in America and the responses to it, i suggest The Onion. They suspended publishing for a while after the attack.

    Along the same lines, there was a music album that was ready to go to print that had a cover with a made-up picture of the World Trade Center blowing up. Now there's a brief interview with the artists (they changed the cover art).
    Posted Fri Oct 5 19:42:02 2001

Nonviolence And Wikied Visors
    Through DayPop, i found the Institute for Public Accuracy had words from several relatives who believed violence was not what those they lost would want:

    President Bush praised an unnamed man "who could have saved himself" but instead "stayed until the end and at the side of his quadriplegic friend." Lasar said today: "That man was my uncle, Abe Zelmanowitz. When the first airplane struck, Abe could not bear to abandon his wheelchair-using colleague, and called his family to say so. Despite their pleading, he insisted that he would stay. They have been missing ever since....I do not feel that my uncle's compassionate, heroic sacrifice will be honored by what the U.S. appears poised to do."

    Is it just me, or does the blonde daytime announcer on HeadlineNews? look like and sound like the actress who played the telepath Talia on BabylonFive?

    I got PalmWiki installed on my Visor, so now whenever i tap on a WikiName, or [bracketed] text, it takes me to the memo page of that name. Neat. I'm not sure what it's good for, but i'll play with it for a while and see. If it could sync up to AbbeNormal that would be nice.
    Posted Thu Oct 4 15:26:33 2001

This And ThatThis And That
    Posted Tue Oct 2 16:58:23 2001
Does Manila Do Wiki
    Does anyone know if there is code to make ManiLa serve a wiki with WikiNames?

    And to set (selected) Manila pages outside the wiki to recognize WikiNames and automatically turn them into links when rendering for web?
    Posted Mon Oct 1 16:48:42 2001

Correcting The Bigco Media
    Well, i don't know how BigCo? they are, but i can't change the title now (mmm, bug).
    Yes you can (I just did). Open the entry in its own page by clicking on the title; RenamePage? will be available at the bottom of the page. -- StevePike

    Excellent. Thanks! --JA

    Some news sources (Colombo Page and American Prospect) are reporting incorrectly on prior use of the UnitedNations' Chapter VII against Afghanistan or in other member states in general.

    The UN itself lists dozens of previous actions (including four against the Taliban). The first was in 1977 against South Africa. Thirteen other governments have been the target of these actions, all since Iraq (target of more actions than any other nation) in 1990.
    Posted Mon Oct 1 16:43:19 2001

Wiki Weblog Technology
    PikiePikie (the software running this wiki-weblog) is not my ideal solution, but it's the only combined wiki-weblog i know of. Manila and Zope look like the most likely replacements, or another wiki that adds weblog capability (i use UseModWiki for some other wikis).

    My ideal solution is a seamless personal information manager and information server, with easy ways to make use of the information in everyday usage, and share it as desired with everyone else. More of my research on all this at
    Posted Mon Oct 1 12:18:59 2001

Everyone Needs Help

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Comment on any entry: click on its title, then on "Edit Text" at the bottom of the page; add your comment at the end and hit "Save" .:. More PikieDocumentation

AbbeNormalSurvey: Blog or Weblog?
"If you don't like the news,
go out and make some of your own."
--Wes Nisker

          ( 0 0 )

Sometimes i meditate.

Some of my FavoriteQuotes; ttc:17

Among other things i read off-line are WholeEarthReview, ScienceNews, ComicBooks? and ScienceFiction. Let me know WhatYouRead.

News: Lanka TamilNet | LankaPage | (more LankaLinks) | Central Asia News .:. Tech TechNomad | news:comp.risks (web) .:. Humor: Improbable | Onion

Useful?: BuildingActivities | NonviolenceResources | ContactYourRepresentatives

Quotations: news:alt.quotations (on GoogleGroups) | | old FAQ | search

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above is a full search of AbbeNormal; below type in a WikiName to find or create a page with the title you type in:


More WebLogs/WebJournal?s: MacinTouch | ScriptingNews | SlashDot | Plokta

the ongoing, long going war Jihaddict -> War is Peace -> makethemaccountable

interested collabs | Believers | Fen | Mac | photo | quoters | poly | SFBay | world |-| BlogDex | reviews (BlogYou?) | User groups: bay area UK France

< ? Blog + Philes * >

wiki nonviolence peace war lanka tamil sinhal

Other WikiWikis: Meatball: (recent) | Wiki: (quick) | WikiPedia: (recent) | HandheldsWiki: (recent) |-| search a few wikis | Recent changes on other wikis | WikiForum (email list) |-| everything (!wiki) |-| Individuals ProperTreatment Bill Seitz!

Weblogs with some interest in wiki Ftrain istori (wiki) Keith Devens (wiki) Piekfke 3000 (some German)

in title at start-no the, a...

in name start of last name

Other home pages of mine:

  • 2d | Public bookmarks (old)
  • CreationMatters:JohnAbbe
  • Wiki:JohnAbbe
  • JohnAbbe

    Je parle francais un peu

    Ennaku koonjam Tamil than theddiom (need to get the "right" transliteration...)

    Shameless plugs:

  • Bay Area South Asian Artists Resource
  • Citizens' Amendment

  • AdeCorporation
  • DinerWare
  • IcommerceSolutions?

    ExternalReferals are web addresses from which someone has browsed their way to this wiki.

    This wiki-weblog runs PikiePikie 0.4 -- a wiki written with a plugin for weblogs, and Pikie:TableSyntax, which allows for this sidebar. Thanks Steve!

    These pages are mostly unreferenced:

    a | b | c | e | f | g | h | i | k | l | m | n | p | r | s | u | w



































    I always thought i would keep a SideBar nice and spare. Ah, now i understand. Yaywastaken points the way forward (or is that sideways). Dang, i'm even tempted to create a left sidebar, to have all the search boxes available up top.

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  • �A book of quotations ... can never be complete.�
        --Robert M. Hamilton