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No, i mean really ancient.

I don't believe there was some single lost human (or alien) culture from which all others arose (pyramids in Egypt and Americas, etc.), but in my lifetime even mainstream history/science has pushed a lot of dates back in time, and the idea of human "civilization" -- meaning intensive agriculture, large settlements, etc. -- going back into the last ice age does not seem impossible to me. Following are links, from the definitely-reasonable-seeming to the somewhat-out-there. The out-there has a way of occasionally turning out to be true (Slashdot discussion).

See AbbeNormal#AncientCities for links re what is the oldest city

Farming started 25 centuries earlier than scientists thought

Yonaguni (10000+ year old underwater big bulidings? off Japan's coast)

Piri Reis ( Survive2012 is interesting by itself) -- ancient map correctly showing Antarctica's land outlines. Charles Hapgood wrote a book about it.

Lake Titicaca (Lake Tiahuanaco, Aztlan, Aymara)

18000 year old Caucasian in N. America?

Connecting flood myths

Graham Hancock