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1.Describe you as a person in 25 words or less.

Sensitive New Age Radical Slacker Hippie Geek, trying to save the world and get over the compulsion to do so. I seek equanimous compassion.

2.Have u ever been madly in love with anyone?


3.What is your favourite food?

You'll get different answers at different times. Right now it's upma & sambar (that's a south indian/sri lankan breakfast/lunch/snack food). Mmmm, i'm hungry now...

4.Would u enjoy watching a couple engaging in sexual activity?(men or women)

If i could eat upma & sambar at the same time

5.Would u like to be a president of a country one day?

Depends on the country.

Um, yes, i have those kinds of delusions. But i say delusions bc i believe there is generally far less power in such positions than we imagine.

6.Who is your role model?

None living. Pretty fond of Gautama Buddha and Gandhi. Also Richard Feynman, Buckminster Fuller. Ah, Fran Peavey is still alive.

7.Do u have a criminal record?

Not yet.

8.Do u play online games? if so which ones?

I played TinyMud? in the early 90s, does that count?

9.Do u screen your fone calls?

What phone calls? :)

Generally not.

10.What part of your body would u change if u could?

Well, i keep thinking about a tattoo, but haven't settled on the right artwork and more importantly, "canvas location".

11.Is there someone on this earth that you really HATE?

Only anyone i live with for more than a year, alas.

12.Do u know any really funny jokes?

If i tell one then i risk being proven wrong.

Ur, okay...

Two helium atoms are walking down the street.

13.Money or sex?U must choose one.

I assume you mean one i get to have, and the other i can never have again.

I'll take the sex.

14.Where do u want to go today?

Wherever Microsoft doesn't want me to go.

Nah, even that's giving them too much power. I just want to go home.

15.Sydney Australia or Afghanistan?

Afghanistan, in a second. It would be much more of a new experience for me.