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Q: When and how did you first hear about weblogging/journalling?

A: A couple of months ago and it was thru a former friend.

Q: When and how did you first learn about computers?

A: The when and how happened on the same day! We got our new computer and i sat down at the pc while the baby was napping and ive been hooked ever since! I teach myself everything that is on this pc or i use online tutorials.

Q: Do think much about what licenses apply to your use of the software you use?

A: Nope...never have

Q: How did your weblogging affect how you saw the events of September 11 and since? (eg what might have been different if you hadn't been reading weblogs and writing one)

A: I wasnt weblogging at that time but i have since read a ton of weblogs about people who were directly or even remotely affected by Sept 11th and i feel their pain right into my stomach.

Q: How was your writing affected by the events of September 11 and since?

A: I dont it has been affected....or has it?LOL who can tell???

Q: How many different weblog tools have you used?

A: errrr one

Q: Are there irreconcilable differences between science and art?

A: Do straight lines ever meet?

Q: Do you dance at home sometimes when you think no one is looking?

A: No,i dance with my kids just about everyday.

Q: What is the activity you do away from your home, but close to home, that you most enjoy and why?

A: Shopping for toys!!! I just love watching the kids open new toys!!!

Q: Do you ever worry about what might happen if people in your life reading things that you post in your weblog?

A: No because im a very open person and i dont give a shit what people think about me.

Q: What's the web address to one entry of yours that you feel good about writing?

A: The whole lot baby, yeah!

Q: How do big changes happen?

A: Just look at what happened to the World Trade Center.That changed the whole world!