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Nonviolence Resources

A few words

Despite the reputation, nonviolence or pacifism have little to do with being inactive and nothing to do with being weak. One might even exercise force, but there is no judgement in it. Being on the giving or receiving end of nonjudgemental force is a very confusing but powerful experience for those of us trained otherwise.

Some United States congress-people are working to establish a DepartmentOfPeace.

For more inspiration, learn about the PeacePilgrim.

Search for nonviolence on About DayPop Google GoogleGroups []


I WISH  - by Laura de Medici (13 years old)

I wish I could hate you
Bin Laden you BRUTE!

I'd throw you out of an airplane
With no parachute!

I wish I could hate you
And SHOUT IT as you fall

But I WON'T because HATE
is what started this all.