Click to return to AbbeNormalPattys Answers To My Questions

1. When and how did you first hear about weblogging/journalling?

I don't really remember, but probably while surfing the geekgoddess webring.

2. What are two big a-has (eurekas, realizations, enlightenments, etc.) that you've had in your life?

- that I really hated math - that trying to fit in with everyone else wasn't ever going to work for me

3. Where did the idea for your tattoo come from?

An interactive desktop movie featuring the little bear and his Dad.

4. What's one thing that you like about someone you don't like?

??? If I don't like someone, I don't like them!

5. When and how did you first learn about computers?

I remember having an Apple IIe? at home in the early 80's. I wasn't interested. We got a 386 around 1991...used it maybe once or twice until I discovered internet at a friend's house in the spring of 1996 and everything else was self taught.

6. I noticed your comment on sites that don't have enough links. Are there enough in AbbeNormal? :)

Quality over quantity. I don't understand your blog. Maybe I'm stupid, but that's my opinion.

7. What's the nicest thing someone said about you recently?

Last night, a student of mine said I was cool because I was the only person who visits their house regularly and can figure out how to open their front door without being told.

8. Where is somewhere you want to visit because of something you read in a weblog?

Sweden. But I didn't read about it in a blog.

9. Carnivorous, omnivorous, or vegetarian?


10. More peanut butter, or more jelly?

I'd say peanut butter, but honestly, I have never eaten a PB&J sandwich, at least not to my recollection.

11. I love the Blogstickers and have come up with a bunch more -- so who do i e-mail to?

There's an address at Please don't send them to me, I can't be bothered forwarding email.

12. Will we (the human species) make it to the next millennium, and if so, what is happening right now that helps make it likely?

I hate thinking about the future. It makes my head hurt.

13. How many weblogs can fit on the head of a pin?

Uhhh, whatever...

14. What music do you listen to (if any) while blogging?

At this moment, Spit It Out (Overcaffeinated Hyper Remix) by Slipknot is playing on Winamp. This is unusual. Normally, nothing.

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